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The Revival Era 2023 - present.  Capitalized by expanding interests in NSA culture and the movement into a new student council.  It was the age when the Second Communist Revolution run by [[Elijah Smith]], [[Hudson Brott]], and [[Ernest Paul]] fought against Gabe Nelson, [[Hallie Griffin]], [[Cora Metzger]], [[Silas Miller]], and the [[2023 War for StuCo (Communist Revision)|Royalists]].  Popular names in this age were Hallie Griffin, Cora Metzger, [[Blake Crosby]], [[Owen Behrens]], [[Anna Haagenson|Anna]] and [[Sarah Haagenson]], [[Jared Lemmon]] (totally Lemon), Silas Miller, [[User:BookWyrm|Noah Pendley]], [[Satomi Mills]], [[AnneMarie Fitzwater]], ........ (Please edit in more)
The Revival Era 2023 - present.  Capitalized by expanding interests in NSA culture and the movement into a new student council.  It was the age when the Second Communist Revolution run by [[Elijah Smith]], [[Hudson Brott]], and [[Ernest Paul]] fought against Gabe Nelson, [[Hallie Griffin]], [[Cora Metzger]], [[Silas Miller]], and the [[2023 War for StuCo (Communist Revision)|Royalists]].  Popular names in this age were Hallie Griffin, Cora Metzger, [[Blake Crosby]], [[Owen Behrens]], [[Anna Haagenson|Anna]] and [[Sarah Haagenson]], [[Jared Lemmon]] (totally Lemon), Silas Miller, [[User:BookWyrm|Noah Pendley]], [[Satomi Mills]], [[AnneMarie Fitzwalter]], ........ (Please edit in more)

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