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== An overview of the early FFAE story arc ==
== An overview of the early FFAE story arc ==
''by Gabe Nelson''
After the first thread, things mostly went the way of NSA lore, staying on earth and using rp to find [[McQuackers|Quackers]]. We finally defeated [[Sir Quackers Quackules]] and got McQuackers back. Along the way, a few things happened, such as [[Ruthie Hopkins]] being dangled over sharks, and the meeting with chipmunk, personified from the [[Bunny Chipmunk war|Bunny-Chipmunk war]]. Four key things happened in this new thread phase.
After the first thread, things mostly went the way of NSA lore, staying on earth and using rp to find [[McQuackers|Quackers]]. We finally defeated [[Sir Quackers Quackules]] and got McQuackers back. Along the way, a few things happened, such as [[Ruthie Hopkins]] being dangled over sharks, and the meeting with chipmunk, personified from the [[Bunny Chipmunk war|Bunny-Chipmunk war]]. Four key things happened in this new thread phase.

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# Many people joined the role play. While Fianna dropped out near the end of the beginning, we added people like Faith, Shawn, [[Ruthie Overholt]], and Sir Knight.
# Many people joined the role play. While Fianna dropped out near the end of the beginning, we added people like Faith, Shawn, [[Ruthie Overholt]], and Sir Knight.

The accelerate period was a time when tons of people joined, and many story lines were going on at once. The big one that transitioned from the new rp to the acceleration period was the [[WASP]] story line, which played a huge part in everything. Quackers basically nuked the earth with firebombs, turning it into a planetary desert. Shortly before this, we picked up Ash (Faith's Character) and were then led into a space age by Shawn's Character Kazu. We also started traversing dimensions, and what we called realms. The system went: planets, systems (solar systems), galaxies, clusters (of galaxies), dimensions, and realms. Those last two require explaining. With dimensions, you get into multiverse theory, of which the FFAE had its own version. The main idea was that plants and systems are often shifted around, and people are different (Agent NNN and Agent NN being examples.) However, there were almost always new people, and not copies (partially for continuity's sake.) This meant that not all people had copies of themselves. This in turn meant that there were a set number of dimensions, and they weren't infinite. This gets to realms. Realms were a multiverse of multiverses. They were completely different from each other, the plants where all different, the people were all different (if aliens can be called people). Earth's home realm wasn't the only realm where humanoids came from, but every other species of Alien was different. We also had a set number of them, I think 64 or something. The rest of our history you can read in our wiki down below.
The accelerate period was a time when tons of people joined, and many story lines were going on at once. The big one that transitioned from the new rp to the acceleration period was the [[WASP]] story line, which played a huge part in everything. Quackers basically nuked the earth with firebombs, turning it into a planetary desert. Shortly before this, we picked up Ash (Faith's Character) and were then led into a space age by Shawn's Character Kazu. We also started traversing dimensions, and what we called realms. The system went: planets, systems (solar systems), galaxies, clusters (of galaxies), dimensions, and realms. Those last two require explaining. With dimensions, you get into multiverse theory, of which the FFAE had its own version. The main idea was that plants and systems are often shifted around, and people are different (Agent NNN and Agent NN being examples.) However, there were almost always new people, and not copies (partially for continuity's sake.) This meant that not all people had copies of themselves. This in turn meant that there were a set number of dimensions, and they weren't infinite. This gets to realms. A realm was a multiverse of multiverses. They were completely different from each other, the planets in them were all different, as were the people (if aliens can be called people). Earth's home realm wasn't the only realm where humanoids came from, but every other species of alien was different. We also had a set number of realms, I think 64 or something. The rest of our history you can read in the FFAE wiki.<ref>https://northstaracademyint-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/slogan_northstar-academy_org/ElwU7N7eEr5Jo0MMSqGERiABvau4AVMC9bFJ1kyva1t37g?e=8OwCiw</ref>

== For the intrepid adventurer: ==
== For the intrepid adventurer: ==
This is Gabe Nelson speaking. While FFAE ended a long time ago, it still holds a dear place in my heart.  For those NSA adventurers hoping to learn more about ideas they could use for role plays and other things, I would recommend looking at the [https://northstaracademyint-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/slogan_northstar-academy_org/ElwU7N7eEr5Jo0MMSqGERiABvau4AVMC9bFJ1kyva1t37g?e=8OwCiw FFAE wiki]. The wiki is technically the last thing alive from FFAE. The Progress Updates won't give you a whole story, in fact they come in a bit later, near the end of the adventure thread. I hope that you enjoy reading through FFAE as much as I did helping the others make it.
This is Gabe Nelson speaking. While FFAE ended a long time ago, it still holds a dear place in my heart.  For those NSA adventurers hoping to learn more about ideas they could use for role plays and other things, I would recommend looking at the [https://northstaracademyint-my.sharepoint.com/:o:/g/personal/slogan_northstar-academy_org/ElwU7N7eEr5Jo0MMSqGERiABvau4AVMC9bFJ1kyva1t37g?e=8OwCiw FFAE wiki]. The wiki is technically the last thing alive from FFAE. The Progress Updates won't give you a whole story, in fact they come in a bit later, near the end of the adventure thread. I hope that you enjoy reading through FFAE as much as I did helping the others make it.

Long Live NSA culture, Long Live NSA, and Long Live those who Fight Against Evil, real or not.
Long Live NSA culture, Long Live NSA, and Long Live those who Fight Against Evil, real or not.

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