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366 bytes added ,  1 March 2024
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The act of using a chat's reply button to shove together several replies into one message, creating one very long message. The term was coined by [[Silas Miller]], after [[Owen Behrens]] repeatedly did this very thing.
The act of using a chat's reply button to shove together replies to several previous messages into one very long message. The term was coined by [[Silas Miller]], after [[Owen Behrens]] repeatedly did this very thing.
As far as I know, Teams is the only platform that allows you to do this. In Teams, replies to messages are treated as chunks of text, while in other platforms (Google Chats, Discord, etc.) they are a property of the message itself. This means that on all other platforms that I know of, you can only reply to one message at a time using the built-in reply feature.

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