Caught in the Glow 6-6-18
Hi! Welcome to Caught in the Glow! I'm Brianna and this is where I interview students on NSA who’ve recently traveled to a fun place or event, partaken in an exciting competition, or accomplished something amazing. We hope you enjoy hearing the stories of people on NSA and all the awesome things they get to do while being enrolled in here!
This month I interviewed a 6th grade student who enjoys playing piano and recently participated in a piano competition.
B. Harpel: Okie, first question. I was told that you were recently in a piano competition. How does a piano competition work?
Muxi Jin: So first you choose songs, and the judge will call you up to play your piece.
Muxi Jin: After everyone's finished playing their piece (about 20 people) you will wait for the result to come out
Muxi Jin: and then you get you get your result next day which you can take back home, considering a prize if 1-3 places.
B. Harpel: Cool, did you win a prize?
Muxi Jin: Yep! I won first prize and got a trophy :D
B. Harpel: Wow! That's cool. What songs did you play?
Muxi Jin: I played two songs, one is "The flight of the Bumble Bee" and the other one is "Cool"
B. Harpel: Nice. How long have you been playing piano?
Muxi Jin: Like about 4 (almost 5) years, I started from 6 but I stopped in the middle for about a year
B. Harpel: Gocha. What made you want to start playing piano?
Muxi Jin: Well, my mother knows how to play piano and kinda "forced" XD me to play. But now I just play because I liked to.
B. Harpel: Lol that's great that you enjoy it now. ^-^ Had you entered any piano contests before this year?
Muxi Jin: Not really, since my old teacher isn't really "good" and just taught me pieces.
B. Harpel: gotcha, do you plan on doing them again in the future?
Muxi Jin: Yep! A funny event is that since I won this competition, my new teacher started asking me to go to other competitions, he even asked me to go to another one on the same month XD
B. Harpel: Lol that's awesome!
B. Harpel: Well, I don't have any more questions. Thank you for your time ^-^ I hope you keep having fun at competitions :D
Muxi Jin: Ok then, bye!
B. Harpel: Bye!
Did you enjoy reading the interview?
I would love to hear from you! And, you can help me out! If you know any NSA students who have recently traveled to a fun place or event, or completed something you think is amazing, please do tell me! Sometimes finding a student like that can be really difficult. If you know someone, email me on First Class. Give their name, where they went or what they did, and I will get in contact with them!
To submit something or give feedback, please email me, Brianna Harpel, or you can post in the Navigator Jabber section. I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Thank you, Muxi, for your time! And thank you, reader, for reading this article! I hope you enjoyed it! See you again next month!
- Brianna Harpel