Ruthie's Chips
The legendary bag of chips, owned by Ruthie
Ruthie's Chips[edit | edit source]
Ruthie's Chips a mystery to be sure. And a strange one. Ruthie and her chips are known throughout the land of NSA. She feasts on them day and night watching for stalkers on Teams. Ruthie hardly shares her chips and if she does its rare and only to special people. The type of chips she eats is unknown and it will stay that way. She and her chips are best buddies and never leave each other’s sight. If ever a person who steals her chips and crushes them will automatically become her enemies coughcough Hajun. Rumors are that her chips were made by Magik, the same thing as Magik Milk, Cookeh, Floweh, and Jungly Froot. Also people say that she found them on a FFAE quest, when she was bored she somehow found them next to her, and she started eating them. It also seems like the bag never runs out of chips. And that Ruthie also seems to be addicted to them, which raise more questions.
Ruthie gave away her chips :0
unfortunately, Ruthie graduted in 2023. (how dare she smh)
As most people do, she posted a message in the "Bye! I will miss you!" channel. And, in the thread of that post, she said something that no one saw coming:
"Before I forget, gives everyone Ruthie Chips"

So, yes, it's true - Ruthie gave away her chips :')
While not being at NSA any longer, and her giving away her chips, it can be reckoned that several bags of these mystical chips do exist in the reaches of cyber space. The ultimate prize would be her original bag, that might have been taken away with her when she crossed the 13th bridge, or might still be in some dusty cranny, waiting to be pulled out and eaten again, to take over a new person's addiction and interest......
Ruthie's lesser chips:[edit | edit source]
Look like the original bag of Ruthie Overholt's chips, but are in fact, lesser in quality and rumored to not hold infinite chips.