Highschool Debate

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by Thien-An Nguyen

It’s often a sticky and messy place
As everyone rushes to present their case
To the one who started the thread.

The questions asked and semi-answered,
Calls the conveniently bored and quasi-learned
Whose posts are long and well-researched
And hope they aren’t too late.

Then there are there those who are highly passioned,
And those who spread much needed compassion
Those who read but never post,
And those who react and disappears like ghosts
But they all call themselves debaters.

Affixed are eyes for red glowing bubbles
And hope the fray doesn’t cause too much trouble
Or spark a flame that blazes higher and higher,
Until shut down by teachers to put out the fire.

It’s true;
The mess can be rather sticky
And many topics are rather iffy.
But we can all learn and appreciate
Each other’s thoughts and opinion states
In a place we call
Highschool Debate.