The NSA Nutshell

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Revision as of 15:17, 7 November 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (added link)
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Ahhh, now this one is cool.

This was a tradition set up in 2020, and saw a resurgence of popularity in 2023.

The NSA Nutshell requires several things: Two shells, and a nut...

wait....thats not right Shuffles notes ah here it is!

A NSA Nutshell must fulfill these requirements:

1. Must encapsulate iNSAne Culture.

2. Must be a title thread and the last message on said thread.

3. Must be on a de-railed thread.

4. The last message MUST be funny in some way, either in lack of context, too much context, or just being plain random

5. It must be posted with, "NSA Nutshell Number____" to follow tradition

The first one was taken by Gabe Nelson, here is the screen shot that he took:

He also took several others:

The Nutshell Tradition lives on to this day.

Triva: The original post said, "NSA in a Nutshell" referring to encapsulating of all iNSAnity in a single screen shot.