Category:Role Plays
Most of the lore comes from here, however war chats, and the division of these and secret chats are something that affect this page. All the chats mentioned here and everywhere are pretty much role plays of sorts (Except GC's which are just Interest Areas).
Active Role Plays:[edit | edit source]
Mages Guild (resurrected)
Past Role Plays:[edit | edit source]
NaAT 2007-2020
Mages Guild ~2008-2020
unnamed FFAE outpost: 2020
FFAE: Forces Fighting Against Evil 2019-2021
BRoBC: Black Riders of Berks College 2020-2022
Elemental Wolf rp 2021
MLiaVA: My Life is a Videogame Adventure
ApoL 2020-2021
NANC: 2022-2023
Pages in category "Role Plays"
The following 22 pages are in this category, out of 22 total.