The Jade Necklace

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Author Unknown

“Ms. Bree!”

Bree Maurice quickly looked up and rubbed her swollen eyes at her English teacher.

“Whoops, sorry Ms.…Uh…Bubbles--er--Babbly.” Bree’s pale face glanced at Ms. Babbly and gulped. If a teacher could ever send a child to the office just by a look, Ms. Babbly was a champion at it.

“Next time please do not fall asleep in my class.” Bree vigorously nodded her tired head and stared at the clock. Ms. Babbly looked down upon Bree with disdain and walked to the front of her classroom.

Bree’s face told the sad story of her life. Her mother had died of cancer and heavens knew where her father was. Bree hardly ever smiled, and some teachers felt bad for her, except for Ms. Babbly who absolutely felt no sorrow for Bree. Bree’s brown eyes were filled with hopelessness and her long black hair fell in her eyes. One teacher loved Bree with all her heart and that teacher basically raised Bree herself.

After Ms. Babbly gave the class an essay to write the bell rang loudly. All of the kids piled out of Ms. Babbly’s class hoping to avoid her glare. Bree quietly lifted her backpack and walked out of the classroom ignoring the English teacher’s hateful stare. Bree shuffled to the courthouse waiting for her favorite teacher. A kind faced woman walked to the courthouse looking for the sad girl. Her smile lightened up the whole school and her voice sounded like an angel singing. Bree saw her “mother” and waved. “Ms. Maisly!” Ms. Maisly briskly walked to Bree with a huge smile and a red envelop in her soft hand. Bree embraced Ms. Maisly with a kind nod.

“My sweet girl!” yelled Ms. Maisly. Ms. Maisly squeezed the lemons out of Bree Maurice. “You ready for dinner, sweetie?” Ms. Maisly gently asked Bree whose face puckered up and tears streamed down her thin face. Ms. Maisly looked at Bree and frowned. “Bree, what’s wrong?” Ms. Maisly held Bree’s hand and wiped off Bree’s tears. Bree spilled out all what happened in Ms. Babbly’s class and more tears fell upon the sweet teacher’s hand. Ms. Maisly grabbed Bree and held her close and hoping that Bree would not break. While Bree cried out her heart, Ms. Maisly put a Jade necklace around her sweet girl. Bree looked down at her chest and saw the Jade necklace. Ms. Maisly smiled. “This Jade necklace, your mother gave to me to give to you.” Bree wiped off her face with her sleeve and looked at Ms. Maisly with love.

“But why?”

Ms. Maisly chuckled and answered, “Because your mother wanted you to know that joy does exist in the world and you have to look for it.”

Bree patted her Jade necklace and asked her beloved teacher “So this necklace symbolizes joy?”

Mrs. Maisly gently nodded and hugged Bree tightly. “In a way, I suppose.” Bree gently hid her Jade necklace behind her sweatshirt. “Come on Bree, girly.” beckoned Ms. Maisly. Bree followed the teacher to her car still holding her Jade necklace that hung around her neck. In the car, Bree thought about what Ms. Maisly told her and she wondered what this Jade necklace really meant.

“Will I ever be able to find this joy?”

Ms. Maisly grinned “Soon my girl” Bree nodded her head and leaned back against the car seat. Once dinner finished, her teacher took her back to the boarding school and escorted her back to her room. That night Bree thought she heard a rustle in a tree that was next to her window. She climbed out of bed careful not to wake up the other girls. Bree thought she saw a tiny little creature with wings, but once she rubbed her eyes it was gone. “My stupid eyes.” Bree said to herself. Bree got back in her bed and still heard rustling noises. Bree tried to cover her ears with her pillow, but it was no use. The rustling noises grew louder and louder. All off sudden the room shook and swayed like a pendulum in a clock. Bree screamed aloud covering her eyes. Her Jade necklace glowed and floated in the air. The room now started to spin and the noises pierced the night. Then silence filled the air and Bree could feel the soft wind against her cheeks. Bree opened her almond eyes and glanced around thinking she was in her humble abode. Bree cautiously walked toward the woods while she stepped lightly upon the leaves. Bree’s feet naturally lead her to the humming noises, she walked faster and faster until her walk broke out into a run. Bree ran while her breath became heavier, her lungs begged to catch some air but Bree would not allow it. Bree’s feet took her to a small pond and there finally her lungs obtained oxygen. The tired girl collapsed near the edge of the pond where a figure of great size stood. Bree still on the grass, inched toward the pond hoping to drink the enticing water. Not until later did she realized something, or someone was watching her intently. The figure than became two separate figures each walking toward Bree. Bree stood up, and remembering her Jade necklace, she grasped it in her hand. The two figures whispered into each other’s ears.

“Aw, poor girl”

“She looks lost!”

“Do you think Cloud Jumper can takes her to- Via?”

The girl’s name who supposedly called Via answered back “shhh, we don’t want to spoil the fun!” Via walked toward Bree gently and crouched down to the same height as Bree. Bree’s body shook and her legs went numb as she saw Via.

“Who..are you” Bree’s voice sounded like ice breaking in the middle of spring.

“What is your name?”

Bree stared at the strange women with curly hair and a cape draped about her shoulders. The other lady smiled at Bree and waved. Bree kept staring at the two mighty warrior looking women.

“My name is- “

A loud hum burst through the night causing terror in Bree’s body. Bree eyes went back and forth between the ladies and the trees that swayed back and forth. What came out of the trees surprised Bree so much that she remembers that moment to this day. A magnificent dragon with three wings on top of each other walked toward Via. Via smiled and grinned widely.

“Ah, there you are, Cloud Jumper!”

The other’s lady’s voice boomed as she spoke to Cloud Jumper. Via once again turned toward the shocked thirteen-year-old girl.

“So, what is your name again?”

“My name is Bree Maurice! Where am I?”

Via’s eyes sparkled and she draped a cloak around Bree’s shoulders. “You, my girl, have arrived in Nerva, the Land of Dragons.” Bree’s eyes opened wide and for a second, she let herself smile. Via grabbed Bree’s hands and beckoned her to come. Bree followed Via all the way to Cloud Jumper, she halted and stood there as if she was frozen in time.

“It’s Ok, Bree, he won’t hurt you.”

Bree still doubtful of the dragon backed away, the other lady grabbed Bree’s hand and guided her toward Cloud Jumper. Cloud Jumper bent his nose down toward Bree and snort out hot breathe. Bree felt his warm snort and reached out her hand toward the gentle dragon. Cloud Jumper put his face in Bree’s hands and closed his eyes. Bree’s expression changed and her whole body shifted from fear to joy. Cloud Jumper opened his eyes and eyed Bree’s Jade necklace. Bree quickly took her hands off Cloud Jumper and hid her Jade necklace. Cloud Jumper inched his nose toward her shirt trying to reach for the Jade necklace. Bree stepped back and shook her head at Cloud Jumper. For some unknown reason, Cloud Jumper understood what her body movements meant and backed off. Via watched Cloud Jumper and Bree interact with each other as she sharpened her arrows. Bree held her Jade necklace tightly afraid it will be taken away from her. Cloud Jumper still eyed Bree’s necklace wondering what that necklace symbolized for that lost girl. He tilted his head like a confused puppy toward Bree’s direction. Via whispered in Cloud Jumper’s ears and glanced at Bree at the same time. Cloud Jumper nodded and waddled toward Bree. Bree stood up and backed away wondering what Cloud Jumper wanted. Cloud Jumper dropped a rope on Bree’s head smiling slyly. Bree grabbed the rope that somehow was attached to Cloud Jumper. Via slowly approached Bree along with the other lady.

“Cloud Jumper wants you to ride him. ”Oh, yes!”

Bree peeked at the two ladies and shook her head. Cloud Jumper shook his tail and grinned wildly showing his teeth.

“Don’t be afraid”

“He won’t hurt you! Its ok.”

Bree stepped on Cloud Jumper’s right wing and thrust herself on to Cloud Jumper. Cloud Jumper stood up straight and dug his talons into the dirt. Bree clung onto Cloud Jumper with all her strength, closing her eyes.

“Take care of her, Cloud Jumper!”

Cloud Jumper flapped his great wings up and down creating wind. His body lifted into the sky and he flew into the clouds jumping from cloud to cloud.

The lady whispered into Via’s ear.

“Cloud Jumper is going to take Bree to them, right?”

Via gladly looked at the lady and spoke gently to her.

“Yes, that Jade necklace, will surprise Bree!”

“That Jade necklace will lead Bree to someone special.”

Once Bree felt less scared, she opened her brown eyes and peeked through her hands. The scenery awed Bree so much that she put her hands down and smiled. The sky turned from blue to pinkish color and the northern lights gleamed. Cloud Jumper tilted his head toward Bree and his ears perked listening to the sad girl cry of happiness. Bree patted Cloud Jumper’s neck as she stared at the clouds around her. Cloud Jumper glided around magnificent rocks while Bree touched the world’s cleanest waterfall. The sweet dragon splashed Bree with his wings causing water droplets to land on Bree’s head. Bree laughed for the first time since her parents left her. She remembered all the enjoyable times with her beloved teacher and all the stories Ms. Maisly told. Bree clung onto Cloud Jumper as he twirled and flew upside down causing Bree’s blood to rush up into her head. Bree gave herself up that day and let her sad past be what it is. When darkness had surrounded the sky, Cloud Jumper landed on a patch of grass and let Bree rest from the long ride. Bree’s head filled with amazement and eagerness to fly into the sky once more. Cloud Jumper nudged against Bree as if he wanted something special from her. Bree smiled and gave Cloud Jumper an apple to chew on. But the dragon ignored the apple and kept nudging Bree and staring at the Jade necklace. Bree stared at Cloud Jumper back and grabbed her necklace and let it shine before the dragon’s eyes.

“Why are you so interested in my necklace?” Cloud Jumper grabbed the Jade stone leaving the chain still hanging around Bree’s neck. “HEY! Give that back to me!!!” Cloud Jumper wings hummed loudly and raised his head bellowing like a trumpet. The Jade started to glow brighter and brighter almost blinding Bree. Bree fell from the bright light and thought she saw two figures coming toward her. At last, the light vanished and a woman with a white hood and white braided hair approached Cloud Jumper. Another man accompanied the woman, and he had a thick beard with a gentle smile. Both had the exact same type of Jade necklace. Cloud Jumper pushed the two figures toward the shocked girl. The women tilted her head looking upon Bree’s face. The man grasped the Jade necklace from Cloud Jumper and walked toward Bree.

“Where did you get this?” The man never left his eyes away from Bree.

“I-I” Bree stuttered unable to talk to the forceful man. The women put her right hand on the man’s shoulder.

“It’s ok, don’t be scared”

“What is your name little girl?”

Bree eyed the man and answered. The man’s face softened yet shocked at the same time. The woman stepped back and stared at the girl’s face.

“I know you!”

“Where did you get this Jade necklace, Bree?”

“I got it from a friend, and she gave it to me, saying that my mother wanted me to have it.”

The woman’s face still aghast stuttered and asked, “What is your friend’s name Bree?”

“Ms. Maisly, but her first name is Adison.”

The women put her hand in front of her mouth and gasped. The man still suspicious of the girl asked one final question.

“What is your real name Bree and how did your parents die?”

Bree looked at the man. “How do you know that my name is Bree and how do you know my parents died?” The man backed away and looked at Cloud Jumper. Cloud Jumper nodded his head at the man as if he approved of the girl’s question. The man began to defend his question, but Bree jumped in.

“My real name is Joy and my mom died of cancer and my dad disappeared.”

The man dropped the Jade necklace and fell to his knees. The young lady sobbed and hugged Bree tightly.

“My daughter!” The lady cried and tried to explain everything.

“Oh, Joy, my girl.”

Both of Bree’s parents apologized and kissed her repeatedly. Once the physical love finished, Bree’s dad started to explain about everything and how Cloud Jumper looked for her and how the Jade necklace was the parent’s way of saying that they loved Bree. The Jade necklace did not symbolize the feeling of joy but the person Joy. The parents left the Jade necklace for Bree so she can find her parents. For a week, Bree and her parents talked and enjoyed each other’s company. After two weeks, Bree’s parents had to send her back to her home. Bree cried for days begging her parents to not send her back.

“We have to Joy!”

“But why?!”

“Because you will be missing and the whole county will be looking for you!”

Her parents persuaded Bree and talked with her for 24 hours straight reasoning with her. In the end, Bree agreed to head back to her home. Her mother made a portal that showed Bree’s bed.

“Will I ever see you again?”

“Soon my dear!”

Her parents hugged Bree for the last time. Bree glanced at Cloud Jumper and ran to him, hugging him so tightly. Her tears fell upon the dragon’s face as she kissed him goodbye. Cloud Jumper’s wings hummed for the last time as she walked through the portal with the Jade necklace around her neck. Bree looked behind her and saw nothing else but her reflection. She smiled and grasped her necklace and snuggled into her warm bed and whispered her sweet name her parents gave her “Joy!”