NSA Time

From NSA Wiki
Revision as of 17:07, 7 December 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (Sorry, Gabe - but your system doesn't work. If you convert from earth time to NSA time, and then back to earth time, you end up one year short of what it should be. I clarified and added more explanation, and a note about the accuracy of this system of time.)
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NSA time corresponds with earth time, such as books like Narnia. Narnian time and earth time intersect but are random in span. Not so with NSA. An NSA year is one quarter of a school year. This does make the fourth year longer (because it includes not just the last school quarter, but also summer, think of it like a leap year)

So, to get NSA years from Earth years:[1]

([current Earth year] - 1998) * 4 = Rounded NSA years

from NSA to Earth is:

[NSA years] divided by 4 + 1998 = Rounded Earth time

Because NSA was founded in 1998, it is the base value added or subtracted.

Further information

Rounded Time: These are only full Earth years, or NSA years that are multiples of four. This is when you can use the above equations without further complication.

to get a more accurate measurement of time, add however many terms past the fall term you are in school.

for example - right now, it's getting close to Christmas, so I would add 1 to the NSA years. So, it's technically NSAy 101, because (2023-1998)*4=100, but we are one term past the fall term, so add one year. Thus, it's NSAy 101.

NSAy: NSA year

  1. The first NSA year was actually the spring school quarter.  This means that while NSA years follow school quarters, they do not technically follow school years - they spans two school years, e.g. the 2019-2020 school year, and 2020-2021. However, this is quite hard to understand, so for clarity, we will leave it out of the explanation. If you're still confused, talk to Gabe.