This chronicles the defeat of Zer0, ghost of NSA. It began after an initiation ceremony in the Noble and Ancient Castle. The Fall of Zer0:

(Taken from the FC thread)

I can't fly D: <--(Justine) Dude... You manipulate dark energy, but can't fly? Could there be a hovering platform? o.o <--(Marissa) Made from a cloud of ecto plasmic dark energy v.v <--(Josiah) Made of ghost guts? o_O IS THAT WHAT YOUR DARK ENERGY IS? @_@ He could fight Zer0! o.o Why do you think ghosts live in haunted houses? Some they merge with darkness. u_u Psh. No. They don't live in haunted houses... They live in graveyards, duhhh. u_u glitch |\|0 O|\|3 {​​​​An 5T0P Z3R0! glitch O_O pulls out digital ectoplasm vacuum LEAVE THIS PLACE, DEMON!! @_@ Glitch sparks |\|3VERRRRRR!!! 1 5hAll HaunT 4Everrrr Glitch disappears AAHHHH!! @_@ runs through the sparks like a maniac O_0 H3’s b3Come a Viruuuzzz 1n my softwAre!!! runs around in circles @_@ FOUL NUMERAL! LEAVE THAT POOR BOY ALONE! AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! throws water everywhere RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA\_|_/RRR!!!! I ShA11 B3 bacK! AnD N0w, J0ziah, U and 1 have A conn3cTIO|\| which w1lL b3 used to on3 DAY DZtry th3 NAAT!!! Yu have BeEn War|\|3D. escapes

*falls to knees looking dizzy* Uhh, what just happened exactly? e.o I don't feel so good. o_o Are you okay? grabs some more water, in case it's needed to throw everywhere Groans Well I don't feel too great. All I remember is Zer0 taking over and me trying to fight it, then it all goes blank. .-. Yeah... he possessed you and said he plans to destroy the NAAT. x_x gives you some value-juice This should help restore you to full capacity. Drinks O__O I remember something, but not everything. When he merged with me, he could read my mind, but I could also read his. I discovered his weakness! O_O That's why he threw me into an unconscious state and blocked the rest of my memories. I can't remember anything else. That's highly substantial right there. o_o grabs a thought-bucket Here, shake your head over this. Maybe more memories will come out.*does so* ... Nothing. I do remember what he said now before he left though o_o shivers. He's going to use me? So that's why... /Use/ you? How? D: That MONSTER! @_@ Do you remember when he causes all those little glitches for everybody? He was perfecting his merging technique with which he did to me.

He will perform many more tests though before he puts his plan into action, many many more crashes will come to NSAers. But, I was his first merge. By merging with me he can keep his weakness locked up, and come back to posses my account when his plan is ready to be set into action. o_o ._. So... we need a Zer0-proof jail cell to lock you in when the time comes. Is that what you're saying? If that's what it comes to. o_o I hope I become a knight before then, perhaps my sharpened skills will be a more formidable match when he comes back.... -__- heyy, why didn't you lock me up when zer0 was in me, once we got him out you could have captured him! o_o I don't know how to combat a non-value. @_@ I'm the Dragon Master, not the Glitch Master. Maybe Zach could pull some theory up, if he gets past the notion that we're all paranoid. <_< Until then, we must fight this evil! D:< Well as of right now you and I are the leading experts on zer0 (and bree I suppose), since we've all been major victims. Perhaps we can build something to defend ourselves against the menace. Right... So... you said you knew his weakness? I would know it, if he wasn't still blocking it from me. Perhaps we can find some way to ultimately break the link, it will give me his memories AND ruin his plans setting him back for who knows how long. That clever nonvalue... >:/ Okay. Well. Where should we start on this investigation? Perhaps we should seek out the Mathters. They are very good with dividing things. Maybe they can divide me and Zero. Where do they live?This is an ancient society... Getting an audience with them will be difficult. They're very good at hiding themselves. pulls a big book from the Library searches through it for Mathters references Of course fd. Well you know what they say, you can't find the answer to the problem unless you do the math. Good thing some of us speak Algebra... Okay. So there's a reference here, in Chapter One, which goes over all the mythological peoples... And their own chapter is noted as (8e24). <_> o_o I'm so glad to have someone that speaks the ancient language of the mathters on this journey. What's it say? flips to the proper page drags finger down to the line "You can find us where patterns fall." Who knew algebra game in handy =DD This kid. points to self >:) ... Waaiit, what does that even mean? u_U ponders I dunno. They were poetic as well as mathematic. >_> Wherever do patterns fall? Could it be by some kind of waterfall? Or is it something math related. Hmm... scratches head Patterns... What has patterns..? What has no pattern? paces What about a tree? The bark has a pattern and the leaves fall? keeps wondering What about a tree? The bark has a pattern and the leaves fall? keeps wondering scribbles on a notepad "Trees and leaves" First stop, wherever we find trees and leaves. xD I'm pretty sure there's too many of those to check out >.> they've got to be more specific. Does it say anything else?

What about randomness stuff? Maybe they mean the whole of NSA. o_o But then, there's some sort of pattern in this crazy logic we have in posting "random" stuff... Yeah, just like those mathters to not make any sense. v.v ._. Randomness /always/ has some sort of pattern. Thank you, Mr. Bellamy, for that pascal programming class :D <--(Zach) well what is the pattern then? xD._. That's the hard part. Yeah, I was afraid of that. >.> I think we need some expertise, since I'm just the logic guy. "Live long and prosper" That kind of thing. Now your catching up, that's why were trying to find the Mathters. xD xD Ok... where are they? ._. They've got to be here somewhere, because as far as I know, patterns end at NSA xD u_U apparently your still catching up, did you read our 60 posts? We're trying to find theeeemm. We were given a riddle that we're trying to figure out. >.> That was my answer to the riddle. I read every one of the posts. Ah xD, well NSA is a big place, we were thinking they might be in the woods, but we're not sure specifically where. Maybe in a clearing? ._. Where patterns end... no, that'd have to be a desert, because grass has a pattern too. Everything does, but the desert is the one with the least amount of patterns. So...maybe where the trees meet the beach? o_o Sunset point! YEAH! :D -hops in- How can I help? -cough- We're looking for the Mathter's, but we have no idea what they look like ._. Marissa does, but we don't know where they are. Well now we have a clue. I don't know where they are, but I have read legends about them. One of them said that they always know what X is, no matter how hard the problem is. <--(Israel) that's astounding.Yay, an adventure! :D Okay. First, their hint said "You can find us where the patterns fall," not where they end. That doesn't really help anything. Second, they're humanoid, just a little tribal and eccentric. Now, sunset point? Where's that? >.> Is it not where the magical woods meet the sandy beaches? Psh. Way beyond me. Zach though maybe it's where the patterns of the leaves, and the bark ends, at the shapeless sands. Okay. Well, we need to be going there. Is there a portal or teleport we can use, or must we go the old-fashioned way of asterisk journey time-lapse? xD I don't know, is there? XD Look, all my knowledge of this land is from books, I just got here, you're the real expert. I'm not even a squire yet. v.v Because there's like 2 (and a half) knights fighting over me... Indeed... You're a popular Page. u_u I can't help my awesomeness. v.v A good quality to possess. u_u checks the giant book of knowledge Sunset point, forest meets beach... Man, it's a whole lot harder to find things when you can't just search for them in the toolbar. <_< >_> flips to Magical Areas at least it's only magical language. Not algebra. Yup. Maybe you could test your knowledge of it. u_UI can get the mathters to teach me algebra maybe v.v and I only know some magical language. I usually read English, and Afghanistanian of course. finds Sylvus Arena Sand forest. Maybe that's it? Could be. It's gotta be someplace that's big enough to a society, but also small enough to pass by everyone's eyes without a notice. o_o Do you think they have a spell that hides themselves from everyone? It's probably the way they shaped either their portal or their village that hides perfectly behind whatever to conceal it. Some sort of Geometry Magic... Anyway. Let's check it out. Those mathters think they are so clever. Hah, this is pie. v.v O_O That's it! We make a magical mathematical portal to find the Mathters! O: =D I'M A GENIUS! ^5 >:D ... >.> How do we do that again? Er... opens to the Mathter chapter again browses pages We need some sort of math stick... Math stick? What does that even mean? >.> ... o_o Hey, I remember reading something about some sort of all powerful stack of sticks. Could it be related? You don't mean... the Sticks of Poweh? o.o It's a stretch... maybe some other math stick first, since that one's been missing for ages? Those are the ones! I don't remember any other all powerful sticks with ancient magic, do you? .-. Unless... o_o another stick was carved. Oh boy... how many quests do we need to fight Zer0? @_@ How about trying a ruler first? Maybe that will count.Works for me. You happen happen to have one on you? I seam to have misplaced mine. v.v*looks around to make sure we're still in the Hall* Yeah, there should be one over here.... picks up a ruler with a writing end from a drawer Okay. reads the book again A circle here with this diameter... and here with this... draws big circles And the last one... draws one interlocking them Okay. :D Now, Soh, Cah, Toa. We have to chant that six times. o_o Cool, what's it mean in algebra language? In Afghanistan it sounds like stinky chicken. v.v Not really. xD It's just major parts of circular calculations. chants*chants with you* circles glow with Algebraic mutterings o: light rises in a wall from the circles =0 oohs and ahhs whirlwind of wavy graphs :o wall slowly fades and the Mathters Society appears Basically I, Marissa Mathews, and sorta Josiah Bout. xD did it. o.o dives in o.o

Mathter: y=13805% #2109

He said... "Strangers, what is your purpose here?"

We seek knowledge from the leading Mathters, will you grant us an audience? translates "You must show your worthiness. No audience without purpose." Whispers in MMs ear Do they know who Zer0 is? Are we allowed to speak his name? I would think the number of crimes he's committed against the logical mathematical world they would not like him. Don't say it, they'll recognize it in any language. I'll ask them if it's a worthy cause. turns to Mathter 1+ (x-rt)(e^-.0689) ERROR.?

Mathter: o_o runs to find leader xD Guess it /is/ important. xD

Mathterchief: You seek to defeat the ancient ghost? U_U

Yes, and we have come to ask if you have any wisdom on how to do so? babbles in Algebra ahem It is a dangerous undertaking. Why do you wish to face him?

He confronted us recently and warned us the end is near, and Zer0 will use us to reign supreme over everything. We must stop him, and we've come to you for guidance.Nothing in our Great Book gives us a clue as to his weakness.

*nods gravely* It is a dangerous power... Far too dangerous to be written down. The end, he warned? This can mean no good. turns to advisors and quickly exchanges thoughts We will help you. U_U But we do not forget favors.

I see, what do you ask in return mumbles something about besides remaining alive

*slips a 20 into the old man's hands discreetly* v_V rips it into pieces Come on man, you could've warned me. We're in a recession! xD At least it's not 170. Huh? ..... this is how to negotiate I doubt threatening them will work in our favor pushes Israel's hand away These guys don't care for money, especially not at the rate of inflation, which they have carefully graphed and are not pleased with. >_> Indeed. v_v Your country's economics are failing quickly, and we Mathters need not the commodities of the First World. We ask nothing but an agreement to return our favor, at any time that we call. It will be in the trough, perhaps very near, perhaps very far. Come, to the division field. walks boldly and rather grumpily to designated clearing

Okay fine, so can you help us now? Okay. First, you need to hoist the canopy. points to a pulley-and-rope pole After securing it in the proper fashion, you must lure the monster underneath. You will stay there as well. Then merge. We will do the rest. whistles contingent of Dividers comes for the process pulls up canopy and ties it with a pretty bow Did that We need the bait now. Sorry, not bait. Josiah. It sounds almost dangerous when you put it that way. O: puts some math kibbles under the canopy >.> Should attract some math cats .-. Do you guys think we will fall for this talks while getting into position mean he IS and evil mastermind that's figured out how to crash every NSAer account at least once in history, he's a pretty smart Number.Right you are. So, we must leave you, because you're the Merged. And don't worry; it's not like half your personality will be torn apart after this... Good luck! :D runs away to edge of clearing, safe from the proceedings ._. hides too .-. Looks around cautiously ... o_o Guys he's here. whispers as if anyone can hear me. motions at Mathters pulls a great Math Stick from the ground Mathters begin chanting in Al-gebra is curious what the Mathters are doing but is too nervous to say anything o_o

*procession retrieves a dish angled at the edges* all chant musically 3.141592653589793238462643! o_o remembers reading a book about the legendary Mathters being the only ones that ever knew what the last number of Pi was. waits to see what happens pi plate spins up and down, hovering just outside the canopy chorus keeps chanting silent colors emanate from dish o_o whispers This is weird, I feel like... I remember this some how. Unless, these aren't my memories. o__o circles of color converge into a humanoid figure made entirely of circular bits

*whispers as well* o_o The mighty hero of the Round Table. o_o seemed to read Marissa's thoughts No.. it couldn't be. Is it? I thought it was just a fairytale meant to give NSAers hope. Could it be true? The legend of Sir Cumference, the one and only being to ever have defeated Zer0 before. lightning flashes without thunder Sir Cumference holds the mighty math stick outside the Dividing Tent o.o This stick was between the size of a huge rod, and a small wand. But you could feel the poweh'. Sir Cumference: mumbles in Al-gebra mutters and swings the Rod of Poweh That villainous scum of nothingness shall no longer haunt these corridors... -_- Us3s J0ziah As a cOndu1T to speak

*SCR3E3E3EChez* RAAaaAAARR!!! SOU|\|D bl3ndS with JosiAh’z v0ice U caN neveR K1LL ME!!

*takes a mighty stab at 0 and Josiah* tan(cos( /4 (x-3.14159265)))! @_@ expels 0 to the deepest pits of Cyberspace Depths Eyes glowing Get. OUT!!! glowing numbers, symbols, sums, factors, and quotients begin bursting out of Josiah and into a magical portal >_< The numbers form a face just before total banishment and reveal two sympathetic eyes Zer0 gets sucked away falls to the ground and breathes deeply

*Mathters cease chanting*

Josiah! D: Is it gone? runs to the dividing tent Eyes still flickering He'll never be completely gone. But now I am the supreme factor of this equation, and he can never take control of me again. still pants some O: YES! >:D It's GONE! dances joyfully ^_^!I have a feeling he won't give up so easily though. Whenever he tries to escape the power of it could still cause glitches. Well that's problem for another day. Glowing 1-9 keypad appears in front of me, types a long code and a portal opens Btw, having full access to Zer0's memories isn't totally a bad thing. smiles Should we say thanks to the Mathters or Sir Cumference before we leave?Absolutely. ^_^ speaks highest thank-yous in al-gebra to the Mathters and Sir Cumference Now that Sir Cumference has been released what will he do now? looks at pi dish I might go berry-picking to fill this wonder of metalcraft with a wonder of mine own: kitchencraft! Perhaps you'll be invited back to take part. winks like a crusty old man with a secret lol, perhaps. xD Well good luck Sir Cumference. steps into portal and leaves it open for Marissa follows through blinks o_o Look at the Hall... turns around and looks o___o... remains speechless

Thus was Zer0 defeated, only to disturb the school when he rages against his impenetrable prison.


Zer0....... Zer0 has made NSA lore for years. But in the summer of 2019 ET aka Earth Time, NSA switched to Microsoft Teams, instead of FirstClass. The Zer0 glitch has never been found in the time of this writing in Teams. Even though brave souls like the FFAE went looking for him. All they found was fakes, or pieces of him. Zer0 was eliminated from NSA forever. But who knows.....NSA teams has more people on Teams because of COIVD 19, people are complaining once again about computer lag, and more lag machines like the @tom bomb, and Gabing are coming into play along with the Teams glitch of double Gabing............ So the not so far future....he could come back.....

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