Hand Me That Stick! (poem)

a poem about the folder in the HS interest areas.[1]

by Joshua Story

If in a higher school you be,
Come on down, there’s lots to see!
In hand me… That Stick! ducks, and rolls away,
*as roof comes down upon us today*

Well, In the HS interest areas there is a fair place,
Where dolphins do dolphiny things and barrels do race,
Spam here and there and everywhere and randomness for all,
Just don’t say it’s name, or the roof will fall! @_@

(sorry, I can’t help myself u_u)

Hand Me that stick, Hand me that stick
Now we duck and run around, as the roof falls to the ground,
Hand me (that stick), Hand me (that stick)
No need to specificize, cos’ everyone else dies! x_x

Now in this random folder, we go do spammy things,
We spam all day, We spam away, Until your head rings,
We engage in spammyness all morning day and night,
Then later an adventure, maybe even a fight!

(here I go again, someone should gag me :D )

Hand Me that stick, Hand me that stick
Now we duck and run around, as the roof falls to the ground,
Hand me (that stick), Hand me (that stick)
No need to specificize, cos’ everyone else dies! x_x

What if, you say, we’re on roofless ground?
Green and grass all around?
Even when there’s not a roof in sight,
One appears and drops, out of spite!

(I really need some help…)

Hand Me that stick, Hand me that stick
Now we duck and run around, as the roof falls to the ground,
Hand me (that stick), Hand me (that stick)
No need to specificize, cos’ everyone else dies! x_x

The name was named after sticks bearing the same name,
The sticks of power, long lost, are no longer any game,
However, in that folder you don’t need one to take part,
Some are hidden in there too, so take heart!

(You better find some cover u_u)

Hand Me that stick, Hand me that stick
Now we duck and run around, as the roof falls to the ground,
Hand me (that stick), Hand me (that stick)
No need to specificize, cos’ everyone else dies! x_x


Come on down and have a ball,
The roof comes down and kills us all!

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