Hand Me That Stick!

Hand Me That Stick is a folder in the High School Interest Areas. It is a designated Spam folder.

This article was written back when NorthStar Academy used the FirstClass platform.

However, Hand Me That Stick! was also channel in the old Teams High School Team. Alas, in the switch to the new teams, it was disposed of :')

Hand Me That Stick! Edit

Hand Me That Stick is perhaps the best known of all the Spam folders. Located in the High School Interest Areas, it is the long-rumored hiding place of many Sticks of Poweh. Poems have been written about the folder.[1] It is generally used for adventures and such, although randomness still runs at large. The name of the folder even has its own history. Whenever the name of the folder is uttered, the roof comes crashing down on all within. Even if there is no roof, one appears, then promptly falls.

**Taken from October 2017's #SpreadTheGolden Navigator article**

Now this, my dear ladies and gentlemen, is a place that is near and dear to my heart. I remember as an MSer I would hear tales of adventures going on in the Spam folder, but search as I might, it was inaccessible to someone of my lowly station... ahem grade. HMTS has been around for longer than any of us can remember. It was created by an unknown genius and has many many tales to tell from its history. Many a battle has been fought and won among the halls of the Sticks of Poweh and ironically this is where the majority of the NSA Diamonds have been found throughout the various crusades to retrieve them. However, the coolest thing about the HMTS folder is its special power. Or, maybe you could say it's its pet peeve.

You see, when you are in the folder and you say "Hand Me That Stick!" the folder has an automatic defense mechanism that makes the roof cave in, allowing the announcer to have time to protect him or herself while their enemies are unaware of their impending doom. However, whenever the roof falls in, a new roof forms on top of the rubble (and I guess walls too? No one ever really go that far in the explanation, but I always thought that it would be cool if the roof was freestanding with no walls.) and the story moves on! And, even if the adventurers in the folder are in the middle of the wilderness with no trees or roofs to be seen, as soon as someone says "Hand me that stick!" a roof appears and promptly falls. Honestly it's an excellent source of resources when one is low on building supplies. U_U Now then, this handy dandy tool doesn't necessarily have to be used as a defense mechanism either. I remember one time Kirsten Temple got a cool new flying suit and wanted to try it out so we chanted HMTS a bunch of times until we created a mountain to jump off of and test out the suit. It worked splendidly! However, if you do this, just make sure that you're not destroying your friend's sandcastle in the process because things could get verryyy messy. U_U

In Teams HMtS, was a active folder full of, stick puns, stick wars, and just plain iNSAnity.  But it also had a dark side that was much hushed up.  A student was killed in the channel, Ruthie Underholt.  This was also the day that the NSA diamonds went missing.  True to NSA, it seemed that it had a transfer that day, from the old FC lore to new Teams lore.

Other (functions/functionality) Edit

HMTS's destructive power, I believe, has been made quite clear, the potential for death (Ruthie Underholt) and destruction. But there is a little bit more that can be said about this phrase.

The deadly affects of HMTS-ing can be reversed, if one has a suitably quick reaction time and skills in the speaking of gibberish department. (I'm not sure I possess either of these.) After HMTS has been invoked it is possible to stop or reverse the effects by saying it backwards (kcits taht em dnah). The amount of time after the original invocation for which the counteracter can be effective is unclear, though it seems that one generally cannot reverse it after the ceiling has hit the floor.

Beyond it's power when used with the word "stick" a stick may be "used" with the phrase "hand me that _____" in other ways. With some cooldown time, and possibly other unknown limitations, the phrase "hand me that [insert person's name here]" said with a stick in hand can be used to teleport the stick holder to said person [the person who's name was used].[2]

As to the specifics of the cooldown time, what other limitations there are, how it is decided who you are teleported to when there are multiple people by said name, and when this relatively little known magic was discovered are unknown to me, but this is another purpose/usage of a stick. (It also helps to explain why one might ignorantly (of the consequences) request to be given a stick.)

  1. Hand Me That Stick! (poem)
  2. I, Noah, learned this from Annalisa Grings during some roleplay.
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