Bookshelf Banter 3-30-18

Hi, everyone!

This your Student Council Librarian, Emily. My Library columnist, Tirzah did a great job last month right? :D Tirzah is busy, so I will be your host this month. A Brief Description of the

Library Staff:

The librarian is the chief overseer of the library. She makes sure that everything is running smoothly and efficiently and helps organize fun projects throughout the year. The librarian has the most authority in the NSA library.

Our librarian is also our bookshelf manager. As the bookshelf manager, her main job is to keep the book lab running. She can add books if she wants, but it's not her main priority. The book manager also shelves books once they are completed. The NSA library would normally have an assistant librarian, but we lack one at the moment. The creative writing overseer is the person who gives permission to writers wanting a creative writing folder. Another job for the overseer is to manage the storyline folders.

We also have a library representative. This representative answers emails in the main folder, helping the library have a positive impact with other students. He also keeps the Book Lab up to date, making a list of what books are being requested.

The library columnist is a writer participating in the Navigator on behalf of the Library. The contents of the Library Column are up to Library’s discretion. In these articles, we often promote reading through book reviews and the like.

A jacket duster is someone who helps out the bookshelf manager. They mainly help out by adding books. We currently have nine jacket dusters.


1. "Meet the Staff" is finally out. You can find it in the main library folder on FirstClass. :D

2. The Elsie Dinsmore Series is finally complete. You can find these books in the library on FirstClass under Martha Finley.

3. The Mildred Keith Series by Martha Finley will be finished this month.

4. The SC has decided to remove the position of Librarian as there has not been a whole lot of activity in the Library for several years.

I will be working on other SC projects that need to be completed.

As for the Library, the main folder will still be available to the student bod, but there will no longer be a specific person in charge of it.

As for the Library staff, they have been or will soon be released from their duties.

As for me, I have already started to transition out the Librarian position. As I transition into this new position, I hope to serve the NSA student body even more. :D

Signing out for the last time,

Emily Toepler