The Mysterious Zer0

Revision as of 17:21, 9 November 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs)

by Marissa Mathews

Long ago, in a chat room near,
A ghost of ages past
Inhabited the secret places,
Invading people's chats.

He never made a sound on entry,
Only when he made to leave
Did anybody see his presence,
Their sanity to bereave.

On come the stories, myths and thoughts
of who this mysterious Zer0 was,
But no one thought their thoughts enough
To dig past their flighty fuzz.

The oval ghost crept everywhere,
From private parties to public rooms
To dark Libraries, spider webs,
And even Storylining tombs.

The entity in question here
Was never found to be a man,
A woman, child, human either.
It's all part of a Master Plan!

Eventually, with spirits low,
Our stalker friend will seize the reins.
With Iron Fist and Silent Step,
He'll take control of NSA!

See also