NSA Wiki:Instructions for Contributing

Revision as of 02:24, 8 August 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (Protected "Nsa-wiki:Instructions for Contributing" ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)))

Hello, fellow NSA-ers! I am glad you are taking the time to help contribute to the wiki, it really does a lot to help keep the lore alive.

However, before you jump right in and get started, please take note of a few things regarding contributing:

Discussion Page

First of all, don't shy away from editing pages! But, if you're not sure on some of your info, or your information conflicts with what is already on the page, you can comment in the page's discussion!

There are two tabs above the main page area - one says "Page," and one says "Discussion." If, as stated before, you have unverified info concerning a page on the wiki, you can write something in the discussion on that page about what you have found! The discussion area is an open place, where you can write as much as you want, even if you don't think it's super relevant. Then, the moderators (rn that's just me lol) will go through and fact-check info, and add it to the real page!

Writing Well

Secondly: Please write with proper grammar and sentence structure. Obviously, this isn't a super formal site, but in general, it's nicer to read if it is well-written. This means capitalizing the words at the start of sentences, using proper punctuation, and the like. Now, this doesn't mean we can't have a little fun with our write-ups!

For example, here is an example of good wiki writing: Those teeth are as fearsome as they seem. They are coated with tiny Velcro-like hooks that stick to anything... PERMANENTLY. The baconypine's tail is poisonous like a scorpion, and they hate all things healthy. Broccoli is their worst enemy. Human health in general? They despise it. But their greatest weakness is the simple confectionery wonder that is a marshmallow. Thrown properly, if the marshmallow sticks on a spine, the baconypine will promptly explode with embarrassment. The leftovers is a pile of bacon covered with marshmallow. entertaining, but well-written and concise.

This, however is an example of a poorly-written paragraph for the wiki: it has supur scary teeth and they stick to stuff, and they dont unstick to stuff. also the tail is poisoinus. baconypines dont like brocolli, and they dont' like alive things. but if you want to you can throw marshmellows at them and they will make them explode XD see, this is harder to read and understand, and contains less information.

Now, I hope I haven't bored you with these examples. But I think you probably get my point - just write well! It doesn't have to be perfect, but a little effort goes a long way! :D

Edited Contributions

Another thing: I, or others, may edit your contributions. That's normal! Everyone is constantly trying to improve the wiki. So, don't be surprised when your contributions get edited.

Direct Suggestions

If you have a suggestion for the wiki overall - perhaps a change to a page that isn't accessible to edit, or just a general improvement. Well, you can DM me on teams, or, if you like, you can post a message on my talk page!

Oh, one last thing - please do not vandalize this server. It may seem like fun (although I don't really know how.) but be assured, I take frequent backups, and this wiki platform makes it very easy to revert changes. Also, I can block you! :D so, please, just don't. Thanks!

(If you read this far, you probably won't, but I thought I'd at least mention it)