A New World

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A New World, Naomi Eutsler, Unfinished.

Fiction: Prologue

*opens eyes*

I look around and see vivid colors that take my eyes a second to adjust.

There are bright colors and big trees everywhere. I can’t seem to remember how I got here, but it is definitely NOT where I am from. It smells a bit like a mix of wet grass, mangos, and blackberries, it's similar but yet so different at the same time. I get up, wipe the dirt off your backside, and legs, and take a better look around. I seem to have been lying in a nest of sorts and that's when I realize why the trees seemed so odd. I am looking at the tree tops at eye level, not UP at them, but level with them… I take a look down and sure enough, I am in a nest at the top of a tree. I hear a rustle and turn around just in time to see a tail disappear around a corner. I back up a bit and try to find something to arm myself with. All of a sudden two people fall straight down from directly above. They have ears like a cat, one has green eyes, and the other with blue. They also have long gray tails with spots and the legs of panthers. I stumble back and fall on your backside… Again.

“Whoa! You ok?”  Says the male leaning forward to put his hand out.

“Troy, hold on, they may be scared, they don't have the same ears as us.” Says the female with blue eyes.

“Ah, true…” The male, Troy, seems to morph into a human…at least his legs do. He takes a step back and squats down.

“Don't mind him, it has been a while since we had a different clan here, my name is Kila, that's my brother Troy.” She slowly morphs as well and bends down.

“Let me be the first to welcome you to our home.”

PART 1: Chapter 1

I look at her ears and her tail.

“Ah, yes, you must be wondering what we are.”  She puts out her hand and I slowly reach out and grab it, she pulls me to my feet.

“Follow me,” she says.

She was motioning to some stairs on the side of the tree I had not seen earlier.

“This is the easiest way down, especially since you have straight legs.”

The stairs seem to have been carved right out of the tree, there is no railing so it almost feels like walking on the edge of a cliff.

“We are the Sunda clan, there are 7 main clans, The air clans are split into two, the day, Accipitridae, and the night  Nocturnalis. Then the Brute Hunters Canidae and The Royal Hunters Sunda. The ocean Selachimorpha is better known as Selac and The strong Ursidae. And lastly the tricksters, Ophidia.”

We reach the bottom of the stairs and she leads me into what seems to be a town. We are in a forest jungle-type place, with tall close-knit trees everywhere, and grass. The town is all wood houses and buildings with grass, leaves, and stick roofs. There are dozens of people milling about, with the varying color of fur, but all with tails, ears, and legs like my two guides.

“You are the first visitor of a different clan we do not recognize in centuries,”

Troy says with his hands behind his back, his eyes are a green I have never seen before, bright, like the grass after a rain, at the same time closed off and cold, not allowing me to see past his exterior.

“We are the royal hunters, so we have a certain standard to uphold,” Says Kila, drawing my attention away from Troy.

“Everyone has a job, from the youngest of 7 to the oldest of 150. We are hunters, we are the standard of how a hunt should go, not like the Brute hunters.” She said scoffing, her tail flicking irritably from one side to another.

Kids were playing around, and adults talking and trading one thing for another on the side of the street from carts. As we get up to a building that seems to be an armory by the sign, a female Sunda runs up to Kila.

“You brought it into the camp?!” She hisses her ears laid back and her tail swishing erratically.

Kila gives her a dark look and says

“Yes, I did bring them to camp. They pose no threat to us.”

The female hisses.

“And how do you know this? Can you see into the future all of a sudden? Or no, is it the past, since the past is what hunts you, but not enough since you brought this THING into camp!” She was yelling now, drawing attention from the surrounding people.

Kila grows still and looks the female straight in the eye.

“This was a decision made by The Table and myself, but of course Lilith, if you think you are right, you can always challenge me and then let the facts state where you should sit.”

Kila seemed like a stone wall, wanting to de-escalate the situation while still making her position clear to the female.

“...Pardon my outburst, Miss Kila…” said the female, Lilith through gritted teeth.

“Don’t let it happen again,” Kila said walking off.

I run to catch up then glance back to see Lilith staring at us, challenge glittered in her narrowed dark eyes, and I knew this was not the last time I would have the pleasure of meeting her.


We walk up to a massive tree, you could probably get the whole village together, link hands, and still not even be halfway around the tree's width. I look up trying to see the top of the massive trunk, but it keeps going, disappearing above the tops of the other trees.

 The tree has a large gold door, at least it looks gold, but close up it still looks like wood. Kila walks up to the door and pushes it open taking a lot of effort, the doors slowly swing open, revealing a grand entrance. It had stairs on both sides, carved in just like the ones from the tree I came from, but with intricately made railing with whirls and designs. There is a desk at the front of the stairs with a tall girl, about six and a half, or seven feet tall. She has large horns, like a deer, white hair, dark skin, and crystal blue eyes.

“Good day miss Kila.” She nodded in acknowledgment toward my guide.

Kila smiles.

“And hello to you as well Viv, you don’t have to be so formal.”

As we get closer, I can see the spots on Viv’s face, pale beige or white.

Viv smiles, and seems to relax a little, then looks at me, she looks at me like she is trying to see into my soul. Then she cocks her head and frowns.

“Who is this?” She says. Her tone has changed, almost hostile but not quite, and a little confused

“This is the newcomer, ah, I just realized, I never asked your name, and I believe I haven't heard you speak either!” Kila says, turning to me.

“Oh, um, apologies, my name is ɤɣʥɮ,” I say.

“That’s a beautiful sounding name, though I do not know if I can pronounce that…”

She said, scratching her head.

“How about, Avel for now?.”

I nod.

Viv looks at me some more and continues her conversation with Kila

“So, you brought a newcomer to the table?”

She was about to say ‘again’, but stopped and changed it, and I’m not the only one who noticed. Kila pulled back a bit and became more reserved.

“I am not sure what is different about this one, Vivian. Something is different about them to everyone else we have ever met, and I was hoping the table could shed some light.”

The use of Vivian’s whole name made it obvious that the conversation was over and done with, and that Kila wanted her to move on.

“Upstairs, they are not in any meeting right now as far as I know. As always, it is a pleasure talking to you, Miss Kila.”

Viv motioned up to the stairs on her right, and as she does it seems a wind moves to that side of the room, motioning to us to continue.

Kila nods, and we head up the stairs. On the first door we come across, Kila stops.

“You’re being sneaky by going behind the Table's back to bring Avel here Kila.” Says Troy who has been quiet most of the time.

“It’s not being sneaky, it's being smart, you know as well as I do as something is different about this one than the others, and after the last time, why would they listen to me?” She asks, sighing. Her tail and ears droop, making her look like she’s contemplating or sad, or all of the above.

“Well, you're my sister so I’m with you, but this was your brilliant idea so you are doing the talking.”

Kila gives a wry chuckle and mumbles something under her breath.

“Ok, let's do this.”

She goes to knock on the doors and they swing open by themselves.

This will not end well.

To Be Continued…


The room we are greeted with is on the medium-ish side, with high ceilings, and a large table in the middle. It's in a U shape, with eight seats and a person in seven of them. Even though I noticed this, the first thing I noticed was the faces of the people… Unimpressed, irritated, and bored was the expression that looked like it had been copied and pasted to each of them, two women and three men. There were only two people that did not have this expression, and they were the two sitting at the bottom (Or top if you are walking into the room) of the table. They were two women, sitting next to each other, both in their sixties.

“Ah Kila, you are here.” Said the older woman on the left.

Kila starts fighting as Troy calmly walks in and leans on the wall behind us.

“Hello, Mrs. Linala.”

I can tell Kila is extremely nervous.

“Breath,” I whisper to her.

She glances at me, takes a deep breath, and takes a step forward.

“Good afternoon members of the Table.” She says.

“What have you come to see us about Mis Kiloruz?” Said the other older women (this time on the right)

“I have brought someone, a traveler.”

The woman on the left side of the table that is closest to us scoffs.

“Oh, joy! Another stranger, really Kila, I thought you would have learned by now!”

She’s in her early forties, with silvery blonde hair, with green eyes the color of a snake's scales.

“Yes, after the last time, you of all people should know that we do not appreciate your taste in strangers, young girl.” Said the man that was sitting next to her.

“We appreciate your incite Kila, but why don’t you let the more senior members of the table decide from now on if we let strangers into the village.” Said the youngest member of the table, a man in his late thirties or early forties.

“After all, the last time you brought someone into the village he was a traitor and killed twenty-five of our people so I don’t think-“ Started the second woman before she was interrupted.

“With all due respect madam,” Said Troy pushing off the wall.

“What happened that night was NOT Kila’s fault as we all well know. I am not a politician or would be here as well, but if I remember correctly you are only here because of your lineage.” He looks toward the two men

“You are here because you both own a large share of the crops, and you both would let the people starve if you were NOT at this table.”

He turns to the other women who had first talked.

“And lastly ma’am remembers, your husband is the one who got you that seat, and we know that that was no law-abiding task. So do not pin an event that was not my sister's fault when none of your hands are clean.” He said having finished his piece and leaning back onto the wall.

The room was deathly silent. No one even breathed.

“Mr. Troy, while what you said was not necessarily incorrect,” said the older woman at the head of the table on the left.

“That was not your place to say, and was not your honor to defend.” Said the other looking toward Kila whose checks had turned red.

The two women who seem to be the head of the Table, look toward me.

“What is your name.” Said the one on the left.

I take a step forward and take a deep breath.

“My name is ɤɣʥɮ, but I am known as Avel here.”

She looks me dead in the eyes, her eyes seeming to pulse a dim light.

“Very well Avel, my name is Vacolian, but you may call me Vacol. This is my sister,” She said gesturing toward the woman on the right.

“My name is Uliana.” She said nodding.

“We are the Elders of the Table,” She said continuing.

“We are the heads or the final decision makers of the Table, the Table is an oligarchy rule.” She says.


“You betrayed us!” Kila screams, tears running down her face. He gives a sad smile and shrugs.

“I betrayed you Kila, you were just too naive to see it. All the signs were there.”  He matter of factly says walking closer to her.

Her once beautiful village sat in ruins, flames engulfed the houses, and screams came from the battle. The man she thought she loved. He had used her to access the village, then turned his back on her and led an ambush. In the middle of the night, he brought in 30 men of the brute hunters and started killing Sunda left and right. Women, children, and men. They were fighting for their lives all because of her.

“WHY DID YOU DO THIS ZAKE?” She screamed, gesturing to the chaos around with her sword.

“Ah Kila, why? Because. I have sat watching you,” He said, drawing closer.

“You use your power to grow crops, build houses, and make,” He cringes. “Freinds.”

A look of pure anger and hatred crossed his face.

“While you could be using it to help OTHER clans! Did you know, that hunters face starvation almost every winter? The air clans are fighting among themselves, the Selac have an oppressive monarch, and you sit back and do nothing!” He laughs, his eyes getting larger and angry. His voice deepens, signaling his change at any moment.

“So yes, I planned a war, an ambush, and I will go home victorious, beloved, and surrounded by people, while you, YOU, will be left to face the consequences.” He came closer and bent over to be at eye level with her.

“And there is nothing, you can do about it.” He turned his back and walked away.

“You are the wrong Zake. She is not alone.” Zake whirls around and sees two men and two young women walking up next to Kila.

“She has us.” The girl with short brown hair, Lilith, says pulling out daggers from the side halters and growling, slowly turning into a cat.

“It's because she has friends that she will not be alone.” Says the man next to the young one, her brother, Elios, hefting his sword up onto his shoulder. Stretching his neck his legs slowly become more feline.

“And you will be the one to face the consequences.” Says the other male Troy, notching an arrow into his bow.

“And your right Zake, we are not perfect, we can do more, but that is no excuse to start a war.” Says the other female Vivian, with large deer horns and blue eyes.

Kila looks at her friends, her family, and her warriors.

“We are stronger together Zake, and that's why we will win.”

With that final statement, they all rush at him, Zake turns into a full pureblood wolf, howling to the others to come and help him.

Troy runs and leaps onto a building to give cover from height, with his sister Kila rushing full force at Zake, morphing as she goes into a full-on Sunda, large and majestic, ready for the fight.

Other dogs start to run up to help, with Troy shooting them down from above, and Elios helping knock them down if they come closer, his sister by his side.

Kila smashes into Zake, full force biting at his neck.