The Company's Lore

Revision as of 23:43, 12 August 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs)
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Greetings! Welcome to the Company's Quest RP. It's in the same world as the nearly-mythical-but-still-very-much-historical Knights of the Order of Many Posts (KotOoMP). However, it's much later… so much later that a quest needs to be gone on in order to find old NSA places. Everything here is just molding and crumbling and super old- hardly the great terrain it once was. Brave travelers and persons are needed to explore this old territory and discover the uncharted!

Now that Noah has found the NSA lands, he has again set up a kingship, however he now has a parliament of Key NSA Leaders that control certain cities to balance his powers.  Now NSA is setting back up in NaAT lands, rebuilding mines, farms, towns, and major cities.  Magical folk have already heard of this new reawakening and are now lots are journeying to see for themselves.  Beware, for some are not as friendly as some suppose.  The reawaking of the NSA empire is now also catching the attention of several larger nations to the East, such as the Eastern Outlanders, Gilead, and the Coarsier.  A new age is beginning, starting with the NANC kingdom; be wary, but take advantage.

The Company's Lore Wiki