Room 1 House Parent Knock First

Revision as of 15:17, 12 August 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (links)

Now, this conference is an interesting one, with it's double colons and the lack of actual house parents. It's located in the Boarding House and it has been home to many a debate, as well as countless adventures. And, though the history has been destroyed by Lawrence's Raiding Parties, D= we will always remember them in our hearts.

Ahaha, one specific debate that I can remember is those that happened over the icon that it had. The icon in question was this:

The argument involved the question: is this icon a cat or a squirrel? There was much gnashing of teeth and epic-ninja-battles that took place because of the mystery creature, and still to this day it has not been resolved. I personally think that it's a squirrel, but really everyone gets to have their own opinion here.

Synopsis: A famous folder that had since been retired before the end of FirstClass. After its retirement, students were able to check it out in the Public SC > Archives.

**Taken from November 2016's #SpreadtheGolden Navigator article**