Mega Mass

Revision as of 14:46, 12 August 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (link)

Mega Mass is the current official mass chat room for the school.[1]

Mega Mass

Mega Mass is currently owned and managed by the school system. However, let it be known that Mega Mass was the first student-run addition to the Student Cafe when added by Joshua Grift in late 2014. He managed and owned it until early 2015, when Jonathan Story started a huge argument which ultimately cut the usage rate in half and caused the teachers to need to take control.

It has since been expanded to 'NSA Chat Rooms' and thus includes the following chats:








In Box




5-8th Grade Only




9-12th Grade Only




-Fast Forward

* marks an original chat

^ marks an original private chat

**Taken from November 2017's #SpreadtheGolden Navigator article**

*<(•_•*<) (>*•_•)>*

First of all, can we just take a moment to admire the truly creepy faces that I made above? K, thanks.

Anyway. xD The first place to start is the beginning, or so I've heard. The Mega Mass Chats were first created by Joshua Grift. Many of you may have heard of him, but he was quite the technology genius here on FirstClass. He was pretty brilliant in his discoveries of the inner workings of FirstClass and its systems, and used his knowledge in technology to ultimately advance our systems and the way we operate. So, in the process of him discovering all of these things, he figured out how to make chats. This birthed the idea of making the Mega Mass Chats. He decided that it would be great to have a place where people can come and go from chats instead of having mass chats that you had to be invited to on FC. He made three chats: Fleogan, Sapiens, and Puella. These three chats took off and grew and grew until they became used endlessly - always occupied and always utilized for fun adventures and goofy conversations among NSAers, much like Skype groups are used today.

To cite the NSA and FC Wiki, “Mega Mass was the first student-run addition to the Student Cafe when added by Joshua Grift in late 2014. He managed and owned it until early 2015, when Jonathan Story started a huge argument which ultimately cut the usage rate in half and caused the teachers to need to take control” (Johnson and Story, 23 May 2015). Now, to be completely honest, I have no idea what this argument was and many of the people that I've talked to have no idea either. However, I'm going to keep digging on this one and if I find an answer to the question then I'll be sure to feature it in the next article. For now though, it's going to be a mystery.

So, there's a little snippet of Mega Mass' history! And, just a reminder that these chat rooms are still around and available for use! You guys should definitely go check them out. They're located in the Student Café under “NSA Chatrooms” and it is super fun to get in there and talk to people. However, they're not nearly as active as they once were, so we definitely need to revitalize them and make it a fun environment once again.


Johnson, C., Story, J. (23 May 2015). Mega mass. Northstar and Firstclass Wiki.

  1. This article was written back when NorthStar Academy used the FirstClass platform, and so Mega Mass is no longer in use.
  2. Propirus