NSA Wiki:General disclaimer

Revision as of 14:39, 12 August 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (added "plz don't vandalize")

Heyyyy guys! Just a note: please do not vandalize this server. This includes mass deleting pages, or even just deleting a page without a reason. I will use a "three strikes" system - do it once, I will ask you why, and if there was no good reason for the deletion, I will give you a warning. Do it again, you get another warning. Third time - I will block you. Yes, I can do that. :D Vandalism may seem like fun. (although I don't really know how.) But be assured, I take frequent backups, and this wiki platform makes it very easy to revert changes.

Sorry for saying this - I'm 99% sure no one would try to vandalize this server. bUT, just in case, I put this disclaimer thingy here.

also it looks more official than just an empty page ._ .