Magik Milk

Revision as of 22:15, 11 August 2023 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (link)

With many magikal properties, this sought-after liquid is very rare.

Magik Milk

Ah, beanut putter's only true nemesis: magik milk. "What is magik milk?" you ask. "Where does it come from?"


Magik cows are the only producers of magik milk, much like regular milk. However, the magik cows are becoming an endangered species and can only be found in the Land of Magik. 8 brave adventurers went on a quest to find the Land of Magik but never returned...

Magik milk, like the name implies, is part of the magik food group. It has several magikal properties, many that are still to be discovered. As of April 2020, magik milk can...

  • Dissolve beanut putter
  • Fight mysterious black ooze
  • Revive the fainted

As magik milk is so rare, only a few vials of it still exist. The current keeper of the magik milk is Solomon Hewitt.