The Longest Thread in Teams

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May 16, 2020

The Longest Thread in Teams Edit

by Caylee Lamb

What started out as a simple question has now turned into the longest thread in the High School Team with over 5,000 replies. Tenth grader, Samuel Hewitt asked the original question of fellow students, wanting to know what personality type each were. Since then, the thread has become a phenomenal piece of NSA history.

Currently, the thread has 5,805 replies with 34 heart reactions. Unfortunately, with so many replies, the thread caused some technical problems. Yes, I did scroll back to find the exact number of replies, and then had to close Teams because it stopped working on my computer. But don’t worry the thread has been buried in Teams, so no more glitches will happen. I highly discourage anyone from doing exactly what I did and try to find the thread, so I’ll  highlight some funny quotes instead.

Some of my personal favorites include:

  • “Already [the] largest thread on teams”

“Soon to be the largest thread in NSA history”

“... Good job y’all. I am so surprised that there are so many replies”

“Also, there has never been multitasking as recorded today. I’m taking notes, chatting on teams and listening to the [Spiritual Emphasis Event]. Whilst hydrating with water.”

  • “We’re making history”
  • “Everyone says that I can’t be American if I don’t like bacon or ketchup”

“...yes, an affinity for bacon and ketchup is required for full US citizenship”

  • “Well considering everyone is different, there really is no such thing as normal, which means there cannot be such a thing as weird”
  • “*whispers* think we should call security”
  • “Someone put a spoon directly under the flow of water in my sink… now I’ve gotta get a different sweatshirt”
  • “...who puts eggs in [their] ice cream?”

“Yeah I didn’t think eggs were in ice cream.”

Because this thread was so iNSAne, I had to ask Samuel how it felt to have been the one to start the thread. “It feels great to have been the one who started the big thread,” Samuel says. “Everyone really enjoyed it (until Teams crashed). I think that this thread was so popular because me and my friends were really bored that day.” To students who are new to Teams or maybe don’t know what to say, Samuel says, “I would just tell them to be themselves and don’t worry about what others think of you.”

Online school does not have to limit social interaction. The longest thread in NSA’s history is a perfect example of that. Come on over to the high school Team to see what you’re missing. There is always a fun, random conversation to join!

Caylee Lamb, a 10th-grade student, has been at NorthStar for over a year. She is a part of the Prayer Warriors' team at NSA, and participates in acting and drama in her free time. Although she enjoys writing for the Navigator, she hopes to find a career in the field of science one day.