The Communist Revolution

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The Groups: Edit

Anti-Communist Chat Edit

Leader Keenan Watt

Second in Command: Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson, Audrey Howe

Third in Command: Malachi (Kai) Nelson

The Communists Edit

Leader: Titus Watson, (Elena Coyle, the secret leader, was a spy for the communists)

Second in Command: Ethan Guynn, Micah Obermeyer (Flipped and spied for the anti-communists)

Winner: Anti-Communist Chat

Details Edit

This is a very old war.  Not much is known about it. But, the short story by Joshua Edmiston tells about it (some things are larger than life).

This war had the first soldier in middle school, and the same person was the first middle schooler to have a rank over soldier: Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson.

Joshua Edmiston

The Communist Revolution of 2019

Published: November 11, 2020

101 years after the armistice

Communism seems never willing to surrender its hold on society, it never completely vanishes so long as unrest exists.

The Era of the Ancient was coming to a close, with FirstClass being the defining feature of this time. There are many fond memories associated with FirstClass which can be found in the NSA Wiki, but with these memories came serious drawbacks. FirstClass was infamous for its grand threads, containing role play that would extend for tens of thousands of replies. However, it was quite difficult to maintain an active presence on multiple threads. There were several battles fought on FirstClass, but since the threads were too unorganized, many of them would end in a stalemate followed by a ceasefire. It should also be noted that cyber weapons were vastly limited in their destructive capability during this time, with the most effective weapon being the sarcastic reply. On top of that, threads quickly became disoriented and cluttered as it became a challenge simply to distinguish who was posting what. Yet despite these drawbacks, several students pledged their full support to FirstClass claiming that the platform fit perfectly with the ideology of NSA. But as time went on, these students began crossing the 13th bridge. The 13th bridge is the term for students who transition from 12th grade to 13th grade. Once a student crosses this bridge, their access to NSA becomes suspended as they stray into the zone that is colloquially referred to as college. With many FirstClass supporters crossing the 13th bridge, the overall support of FirstClass declined. It was now much more common to hear students openly voice their complaints against FirstClass. And with no steadfast FirstClass supporters left at NSA, the contempt for it only grew. Worried that protests would ensue, combined with a growing hatred of FirstClass in The Student Council, administration and faculty gave the order to transition away from FirstClass. The process was quick, but to keep the peace, administration decided to delay the transition until the final remainder of FirstClass supporters crossed the 13th bridge. Then in the summer of 2019, North Star Academy cut all remaining ties with FirstClass and made the formal transition to Microsoft Teams. This momentous occasion would go down in NSA history as the Great Switch. An enormous leap of progress, yet it would come at a price.

The transition to Microsoft was a profound improvement. Threads became easy to understand, the organization was greatly improved, and the overall environment was far more professional. Students were now able to have group chats and direct messages within NSA, as opposed to the sluggish FirstClass e-mail. The addition of Outlook provided a cleaner format for e-mails between students and teachers. Office 365 gave students access to premium functions that FirstClass could not offer such as One Note, Excel, and Power Point. But the greatest improvement was the introduction of Microsoft Teams. An internet platform that connected students in a way that was never thought possible. Yet in this safe haven, the Era of Confrontation was soon to begin. And to explain where it all started, we must back up in history to the nineteenth century.

The ideals of socialism and the utopians had already been in existence for decades. But in 1848, Karl Marx published his Communist Manifesto which put the ideals of communism on the forefront. The years between 1848 and 1917 were known as the Silent Era which is where no communist regime was established. In 1914, World War I began which pushed the European monarchies to their limits. Radical socialists and communists such as Benito Mussolini and Vladimir Lenin saw this as the opportunity to initiate the demise of the upper class. So in 1917, Vladimir Lenin successfully overthrew the autocrat Tsar Nicholas II and established the first communist regime in the history. The new communists experienced many problems initially, but eventually transformed agrarian Russia into a Soviet mechanical beast through Josef Stalin’s five year plan. After the defeat of Fascism and Nazism by the allies in 1945, communism went through a rapid period of extreme growth. The ideals of communism spread to China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Angola, Poland, Yugoslavia, Hungary, East Germany, and several other countries from Eastern Europe, to Central and South America. Aware of this, the anti-communist countries bound together to form NATO which was meant to halt the spread of communism as well as prevent a revolution in their own country. This effort was successful as capitalistic countries became less likely to become communist. Then in the late 1980’s, President Ronald Reagan’s decisive actions thrust communism out of eastern European countries and eventually, Russia. Germany was reunified as communism was on the decline around the world. In 2017 - one hundred years after the first communist regime was established – President Donald Trump had successfully eased tensions concerning a potential war with North Korea. And by 2019, President Trump had begun to establish the foundations of a future trade deal between the United States and China. Stalinist countries were becoming more and more rare as the twenty-first century progressed. But not everyone was ecstatic concerning the decline of communism. Titus Watson, Ethan Guynn, and Micah Obermeyer all wanted to see a second revival of communism, all wanted to occupy more territory, and all thought Microsoft Teams was the perfect way to do it. Their plan was to detach themselves from other communist countries so they could plead isolationism while building up their own strength. And since Microsoft Teams was neither a member of NATO, nor an established nation, they knew that a communist revolution would not provoke military action from members of NATO. The three knew that an invasion of an isolationist Microsoft Teams would not have the support of all the members of NATO. So they assumed that NATO would simply ignore a communist revolution, as long as it had no foreign support from other communist nations. Once they gained control of Microsoft Teams, they would be able to use the new platform to bring a second wave of communism to the world, while having the means to gravely cripple members of NATO. However, they soon realized that there was an organization already in place to combat such a takeover. That organization being the Student Council, a democratic-republican puppet government established by North Star Academy the previous academic year. While the Student Council did exercise and withhold a great deal of power, they ultimately responded to the leadership of NSA. That said, the leadership of NSA also relied on the Student Council for innovative thinking and campus policing. The communist tripartite theorized that the transition from FirstClass to Microsoft Teams left both the leadership of NSA and the Student Council preoccupied with the technicality of the Great Switch. They further supposed that a quick, decisive ambush on the Student Council would send shockwaves throughout the hierarchy of NSA. If the communist tripartite could overthrow and replace the Student Council (and eventually the administration at NSA), then their plans of a global, communist internet platform would be reality. With the plan ready, the Communist Revolution of 2019 was soon to begin. Yet unknown to them, there was more than just the Student Council standing in the way of their comradery.

The tripartite laid in cover for the first months of the school year. A communist takeover would be ideal once NSA was at its weakest point in the year. This point being after the beginning of the school year, and before the onslaught of school breaks and festivities arrive. The window of their ambush was set between late September and mid-November, leaving October as the perfect time to strike. In addition to the strike window, it also aligned with the confusion of the Great Switch, leaving NSA practically defenseless against such a plot. And so - during the appointed strike window - the communist tripartite launched the fledgling movement, marking the beginning of The Communist Revolution of 2019. Their first actions involved recruiting loyal members to their cause and planting influencers in the hidden corners of NSA, probing to see who would be the most accepting to the Marxist ideals. They then established the Communist Chat where all the members of the communist movement could gather to gather ideas for future strikes, a feat that would have been impossible under the rule of FirstClass. Their membership was initially smaller than predicted, making a successful revolution seem ever more difficult. But the tripartite did have one advantage, the number of active members on Teams ended up being far lower than expected. This left the scene to be compared to that of an abandoned battlefield where the tripartite only had to move in, and subdue NSA. They did experience two minor setbacks during Spirit Week and the first Spiritual Emphasis Event, where the temporary influx of students forced the revolution to be stalled until the hype of the events had fizzled. Once these events ended, the communists moved to phase two of their plan. They moved their influencers and propaganda from the hidden corners of NSA, to the forefront. Their recruitment spiked upon this bold move as everyone now knew about the revolution. The communists finalized their movement by charging directly towards the Student Council, with the intent of usurping them from power. They proceeded to surround the Student Council Capital Building, deploying infantry, tanks, artillery, and air support. Raising the hammer and sickle, the communist revolution laid siege to the Student Council and attempted to coax them into abdication. The communists were ready to declare victory, seeing the Student Council forces were both outmanned, and outgunned. However they never attacked the Student Council Capital Building, rather only laying an elaborate siege. Such tactics seem almost foreign to toady’s student, but remember that this all was taking place directly after the Great Switch from FirstClass. In other words, warfare had not progressed from the mentality of warfare in FirstClass. Under the old system, two sides would typically draw battle lines and engage in a battle of the wits. Hurling sarcastic and witty puns to the other side until the thread became so jumbled, that everyone returned to school. Then everything would go back to normal, and whoever threw the wittiest and most sarcastic pun had their imaginary status level raised for the day. The loser would have their imaginary status level plummet for the rest of the afternoon. And after a week, the once battlefield was now a luscious field of peace and happiness. But since the threads on Microsoft Teams were much more organized, and the addition of gifs, and memes. The communists made a bold assertion that the Great Switch, combined with all these other factors could lead to the first territorial gain in NSA history. Despite the new weaponry Microsoft Teams offered, the two sides still held to the traditions of FirstClass warfare. So, the two sides engaged in trench warfare, with the communists holding out that a decisive breakthrough would occur sometime before Thanksgiving. Yet unknown to them was that Microsoft Teams held more than just gifs, memes, and clean threads; it also held cyber weapons that would put to shame the most fearsome tactics ever concocted in the Era of the Ancient.

The Student Council Capital Building was completely surrounded. Moral was low, rations were lower. Their only ally being the administration and faculty at NSA, but as the communists predicted, they were too busy with the Great Switch to offer military aid. Some in the Student Council took to isolationism, barely even logging onto Microsoft Teams, hoping the communists would eventually back down. There was, however, another faction that did not include either the newfound Communist Party of NSA (CPNSA) or the Student Council. It was the other active students that the tripartite had deemed were unlikely to support a communist revolution. The sudden appearance of communism on American cyber soil had shocked such students. They knew that action had to be taken if NSA were to remain free. The Communist Party of NSA was growing every day, continually adding to its massive army via the organized network of private communications. The role of challenger had been left vacant, and someone was about to fill it. That person being Keenan Watt, a devout anti-communist who having seen the abrupt rise of communism, retaliated in full force. She was the first to openly condemn and ridicule the communist regime, calling out how a communist system of government would kill NSA during this sensitive period of growth and development. To formalize this opposition, Watt officially established the Anti-Communist Chat (ACC), dedicated to reversing the second wave of communism in the cyber world. And since neither Watt, nor the ACC were members of NATO, other communist countries refused to intervene; as a military invasion of Microsoft Teams would undoubtedly provoke retaliation from NATO. Watt had successfully used the CPNSA’s own tactics against them. Some anti-communists objected the ACC, as it was in the early phases of growth. These students asserted that more time and planning would eventually ensure the demise of communism. But Watt had already amassed an army of herself, and going against that would mean certain victory for the already winning communists. So this faction eventually joined the ACC, giving Watt the support needed to openly confront the Communist Party of NSA. Wasting no time, Watt mobilized her forces to ambush Watson, Guynn, and Obermeyer from their rear flank. Aware of this sudden trend, the communists postponed the siege of The Student Council Capital Building, and fortified their rear positions, using every defensive capabilities available to them. By the time the ACC had arrived, the two overlooked the High School Prairies, with their forces lined up in reinforced trench positions on either side. There were brief, yet pointless attempts to draw for peace, but neither side would concede. So with both armies standing off, Watt and the tripartite declared war on each other, signaling the first ever war on Microsoft Teams, the First real war in NSA history, and as well as beginning of the Era of Confrontation.

Both sides fired snarky posts, accompanied by memes and gifs aligning with their propaganda. With both sides lined up on the parries, this opened up a short window for the Student Council to retrieve supplies and resources from the North Star Academy administration. Instead of fleeing the premise, the Student Council returned to the capital and turned it into a battle station with the goal of making the building impervious to any onslaught. Watt, who possessed the smaller army was defeated in this first encounter. Despite claims that she was the most sarcastic student at NSA, she lacked a number of strong members in the ACC. So after a few short days of confrontation, Watt was repelled, and the communists resumed the siege of the Student Council Capital Building. Upon their arrival, they were stunned to see a fortified Student Council that was able to delay a communist invasion. The tripartite quickly realized that despite winning the first battle of the war, they would not get that sweet, quick victory they initially predicted. So the strategists and generals of the CPNSA formulated a new plan. A full out war with the Student Council and the ACC, with the threat of NSA intervention would be impossible. They concluded that despite being the weakest member of the allies, the ACC held the greatest threat to the CPNSA in the long run. So they decided to bait Watt back to the prairies by bombarding the Student Council Capital Building with communist propaganda. Their chances of winning were still looking even more in their favor as their numbers continued to grow beyond that of anything in FirstClass, with the exception of the NaAT. After much planning, the communists resumed the attack, scaling the bombardment efforts exponentially. But while the communists were formulating this elaborate plan, Watt also had formulated a strategy. But first, she would need to consult an asset.

In the cover of night, Watt, along with other loyal members of The ACC set out in the realms of the private chats. They heard rumors that a middle schooler had developed a weapon that would forever change North Star Academy. Gabriel Nelson, - an eighth grader at the time – had noticed how organized the threads on Microsoft Teams were. He also noted that students no longer desired to cram together on one great threat. He further realized that each time someone reacted to a message, it sent them a notification. It is rumored that after a long, busy day on Teams, Nelson awoke the next day to a great deal of notifications. The minor lag his computer subsequently experienced fascinated him. He predicted that if he was to react to someone’s many replies, that would send them an equal amount of notifications, pushing the other’s computer to the point of severe lag. On top of that, there was no easy way to clear all the notifications; only going through them one by one would work. His creation was called, Gabing (see disclosed file), and the ACC wished to possess such a weapon. Nelson had run many trials of the weapon, and every time it held up to its reputation. But since he was in middle school, the weapon could not affect students in high school, except through the Student Body. As a result, many in high school retreated to their selective team, fearing the flood of notifications. Watt had noticed the tide flow from the Student Body to the High School Prairies, which helped fuel the war efforts on both sides. She suspected this was due to Nelson’s new cyber weapon. If it was powerful enough to rattle the Student Body, could it score a victory against the CPNSA? That was the question on the ACC’s lips, and Nelson was going to answer it.

Indeed, Nelson’s new cyber weapon would prove effective against the communists, all the ACC needed was to draw them out. Watt appointed Gabe Nelson as her second in command along with his brother Kai Nelson. With a hierarchy established, and her numbers growing, Watt knew that it was time for another attack. the ACC advanced back to the High School Prairies, expecting the communists to accept the challenge. Meanwhile, the CPNSA still surrounded the Student Council Capital Building on all fronts. Their numbers still exceeded that of the ACC and the Student Council combined. Projections showed that the Student Council was again running low on supplies; if they continued the propaganda bombardment, then a swift victory was still achievable. But when they heard word that the ACC had lined up on the High School Prairies, they knew they were in that same tough spot. Do they end the siege and engage on the battlefield, risking the Student Council building up their strength once more? Or do they continue the siege and fight a war on two fronts, a tight spot for even the greatest of tacticians? The tripartite could not agree on this deciding factor, so to break the tie, they decided to split their forces. Half would stay and continue bombarding the capital, whereas the other half would move into attack position against the ACC. The two met in the High School Parries, almost identical to the previous engagement. This time, there were no efforts for peace, both sides charged for the center and engaged in a battle of the wits. The communists fought viciously, vehemently combating every ACC post with a snarky reply. Gabe and Kai stalled at the command center, analyzing how many replies were being used. Once the battle had raged for hours, Watt ordered a tactical retreat, coaxing the communists to push back into ACC territory. Watt purposely abandoned her stronghold in the High School Prairies and fell back all the way back to the Student Body Metropolis. While the retreat was taking place, the Nelson brothers launched the first ever military strike via Gabing. Every reply the communists put forth became a notification for he who sent it. The communists – despite being better trained in the arts of dialogue – were quickly overrun by this sudden change in events. There had been no such thing as notification lag under the rule of FirstClass, so this was the first time lag was experienced on the war front. Upon this change of events, the ACC ceased the retreat order and rallied for a secondary charge. The communists, being unable to match the sarcasm of the ACC, due to the lag, were forced to retreat back to the capital. Watt ordered her army to march on the capital in the hopes of surrounding the communists and pressuring them into surrender. However, Watt did suffer one major blow, not in battle, but during the march on the capital. She was unable to escort Gabe and Kai Nelson onto the High School Prairies, and thus was not able to have her second in commands during the counter-siege. This blockage was caused by the fact that Gabe and Kai had yet to enter high school, and were therefore unable to cross into the prairies and beyond. So when the ACC arrived at the capital, Watt had failed to bring both her greatest asset as well as her greatest weapon. So when the ACC started a siege of their own, the communists had planned a retaliation. They launched a bombardment of sarcastic replies against the ACC. There was a makeshift attempt to replicate the Gabing device, but it was too little, too late. Now it was the communist’s turn to unleash havoc on the ACC, driving them back to the High School Prairies back to the spot where this entire fiasco began. The second battle of the war had ended. the ACC had scored a victory in motivation, proving they had the means to defeat the communists. The CPNSA also claimed victory, claiming they successfully held off a superior invasion. But in reality, neither side had scored that major victory they had hoped for. And the only thing that could be concluded was that nobody would be having that sweet, quick victory they were hoping for.

The communists kept their army split, half on the prairies, half at the capital. They had ordered all their past notifications to be brought up where they discovered who was responsible. They discovered that it was Gabriel Nelson that was responsible for their defeat, not the ACC as a whole. It was not all good news though, the battle had drawn many neutral students to the ACC. Watt claimed that it was not the communists that caused her final retreat, but her own tactical planning. the CPNSA worked on overdrive ensuring that negative reports be smeared on Watt’s reputation. This intelligence campaign also resulted in a spike in the communists’ membership. Yet despite this campaign, it did not prevent the ACC’s numbers from growing. In fact, some in the CPNSA had suspected that the ACC was growing at a faster rate. This greatly concerned the communist leaders, especially Watson, who advocated for a reconstruction of the CPNSA. Watson called for a similar hierarchy to be established so that the communists would have a similar leader to rally behind. He ended up winning the honor of being that leader, and he appointed Guynn and Obermeyer as his second in commands. Meanwhile, the battle on the prairies was raging. Posts, replies, memes, gifs, and propaganda were being launched with ease on the once peaceful arena. the ACC attempted to bait the communists into pushing back into the Student Body Metropolis where they could Gabe the communists. But Watson gave strict orders not to push beyond the prairies. This prevented the Nelson brothers from taking action against the communists. The communists then sent covert, loyal members into the metropolis in an attempt to Gabe the inventor. They spread reactions to several of Gabriel’s reactions, but one by one they were forced to back off the assault. It was around this point where NSA students officially and collectively addressed the matter by declaring that it was, indeed, impossible to Gabe the inventor. This proved to be a major setback as the communists were subsequently forced out of every stronghold that Gabriel was allowed access to. This included NSA World, the Gaming Channel, the Spiritual Life Team, and many more. However, they still found great success in the private chats and The High School Prairies, which is where most of the action was occurring. After some time of fighting – which was mostly a stalemate – Watson ordered a communist convention in which the leaders of the CPNSA discussed what actions were to be taken next. They faced several problems: first, Watt had been expanding her sphere of influence so that she was a superpower in the High School Prairies and maintained a presence elsewhere. Second, Gabe had driven them back to a stance where they could no longer expand and acquire more territory. Third, the Student Council (in spite of the bombardment) was not looking like it would concede any time soon. And finally, the appointed strike window was beginning to close with Thanksgiving on the horizon. Once that window closed, students would become more and more active on Teams for the holidays. And with the ACC controlling the Student Body Metropolis, the tripartite knew that if more students ventured back onto Microsoft Teams, they had an increased chance of joining the ACC as opposed to the communists. The war had become the most important topic at NSA, as evident with the NaAT being officially classified as a dead thread despite Samantha Aquino and President Johnson’s efforts to revitalize the quest. Everyone knew that the outcome of the war would determine the fate of NSA. And with the projected growth of the ACC, the CPNSA moved to alter their strategy. Instead of striving for a quick, decisive ambush on The Student Council, the communists opted to play the long game. They would continue the siege of the capital while also holding of the ACC on the prairies. They would then openly challenge Watt, Gabe, and Kai to a battle of membership in which the side with the greatest sized army would be claimed victor of the revolution. The communists then decided to call on other communist and socialist countries to endorse the revolution. With this revised strategy in motion, the communists went to work.

The ACC accepted the terms proposed by the communists. As soon as the ceasefire expired, both sides scrambled to their respective headquarters. The communists sought the approval of communist China, socialist Russia, and socialist Sweden. While rejecting the support of Venezuela and North Korea. The ACC also sought the support of NATO, but found difficulty concerning the European Union, along with NATO’s slow action. The ACC finally settled on an alliance with the Student Council and the administration at North Star Academy. the CPNSA successfully landed a peace treaty with Sweden, China, and Russia. But when the prime minister of Sweden saw that he would also be supporting China and Russia, he respectfully pulled his country out and claimed neutrality. Despite the trouble concerning NATO, The ACC was able to establish what they called “Amiable Terms” with the United States. By the time the two sides had officially brokered their deals and treaties, Thanksgiving Break was about to begin. After this, the onslaught of Christmas festivities and holiday cheer would open up the schedules for many students, who would use this extra time to journey onto Microsoft Teams. Both sides used their experience in propaganda to lure as many students to their cause. The High School Prairies being the epicenter on the action. Both sides were growing and it was still anyone’s war. Meanwhile, the CPNSA had continued the siege of the Student Body Capital Building. They theorized that if they could continue the siege until election time in the spring, then they could be elected into several Student Council position. They argued that the Student Council’s weak and indecisive actions led the rapscallions to be allowed to form a rebellion; and that the Communist Party of North Star Academy would restore order to NSA. The ACC argued that if the communists got into power, they would turn Microsoft Teams – the last internet platform of the free world – into a communist hub. They further argued that this would eventually escalate into a revived Soviet Union, A communist South Korea, and a war between China and India. As war continued to rage on the prairies, the ACC continued to break past the communists’ army to hopefully end the siege. At the height of the conflict, both sides signed a second ceasefire as Thanksgiving Break began. the ACC and the CPNSA withdrew to their respective camps and temporarily lowered the war efforts. Yet not everyone had taken a break, the tide of war was about to drastically shift.

During Thanksgiving break, leading officials of The People’s Republic of China met to discuss the outcome of the war. At all costs, the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) wanted to abstain from a kinetic war knowing it would inevitably push the United States and her allies to retaliation. Instead, the CCP worked to gain control of an American internet platform to keep the war in the cyber realm. the CCP had long wished for a strategic cyber base for both defensive and offensive purposes. They long hoped that Microsoft Teams would be the gateway for China to become a cyber superpower, and the Communist Revolution of 2019 was the perfect way to do it. So as a result, China was more than thrilled to support a revolution against the already weakened academy. However, China never told Watson, or any of the other leadership at the CPNSA what exactly their true intentions were. According to China’s plan, once the communists won control of Microsoft Teams, the CCP would oust the CPNSA from power and seize control of the internet platform. Once they obtained this power, they would subsequently work to expel Russia from the internet platform claiming that socialism had no role to play in China’s greatness. Once all remaining threats had been vanquished, the CCP would be able to launch a military campaign against The Republic of China (Taiwan) as well as the South China Sea, using Microsoft Teams as their staging grounds. Once they were the dominant force in the region, they would be in a position to potentially renegotiate the terms of President Trump’s trade deal. But unknown to them, United States espionage had picked up fragments of the meeting and were able to piece together that there was an ulterior motive to China’s involvement in the revolution besides communist comradery. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo would go on to voice his concerns to President Trump. So the United States initiated a military operation to gather intelligence about the revolution on Microsoft Teams. Despite being a covert operation, the CCP was able to gather evidence implying that the United States was watching their actions in the revolution. So the CCP called together another – more secure – meeting to discuss how to handle the United States’ newfound involvement in the war. The meeting was adjourned with almost unanimous support to withdraw from Microsoft Teams and search for a different internet platform. Yet there was a radical sect that theorized that if a biological obstacle were to be launched against the United States, then there would be enough confusion for the CCP to continue their plan with no opposition. So while the meeting was still taking place, the leaders of this sect embarked to Wuhan and arrived at the infectious disease laboratory. They planned to launch a virus across the Pacific and into the United States. But whether through miscalculation or sabotage, the virus did not make its indented voyage. It is still unknown exactly how they failed to launch the virus overseas to this day. But what is known is that this virus was somehow transported to a wet market in downtown Wuhan. The virus that escaped was Sars-2, more colloquially known as Covid-19, and is often referred to as “The Rona.” The virus initially spread quite slowly with some within the CCP claiming that it could not spread between people. In fact, the spread was so insignificant, that the CCP hoped that they could cover up the entire incident. The CCP finally issued that no mention of the virus was to be made to either the CPNSA, or anyone else. The CCP was confident that the virus was well under control. But little did they know that the avalanche had already begun to quiver.

Meanwhile, the war continued to drag out through November, December, and January. As suspected, membership spiked over the holidays and the two sides continued in the trench style warfare. The siege on the Student Council Capital Building continued with no end in sight. To scale up on the campaigning efforts, Watt and Watson took to a second domain of battle by fighting one on one. The two were officially declared arch-enemies, the first in NSA history. The ACC had ramped up their training program, transforming it from a makeshift rebellion, to a legitimate organization. Russia had since dropped out of the war as their involvement was hindering to their economy. The administration at NSA had called together a meeting where they basically proclaimed that wars on Microsoft Teams were indifferent to those on FirstClass. Afterwards, they too ceased all war efforts and maintained a policy of neutrality for the rest of the school year. The Student Council – despite being surrounded – had adapted to their new circumstances and fulfilled their duties via wireless communication. The United States spent much of November and December keeping an eye on the communists, especially China. But in January, Iran became the main focus of the United States. Iran had threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, blocking a significant portion of the world’s oil. Iran then engaged in aggressive behavior with several neutral oil tankers, even going as far as to take some of them hostage. The Unites States deployed the navy to escort these tankers and prevent harassment. Seeing they could not match the US Navy, Iran then launched rockets into Iraq, aimed in part at the US embassy. The rockets failed to hit their target, and the Iranians moved into defensive position. Before they could do so, President Trump ordered a military strike against General Soleimani, knocking out one of their key strategists. Iran threatened retaliation, but none came. Then the terrorist organizations moved to assist in Syria, but another military strike killed their leader Al Baghdadi. Iran threatened more retaliation, with the supposed backing of Russia; and the world braced for a third world war as nations started to take sides. In China, Covid-19 had spread throughout Wuhan and threatened to spread to other Chinese provinces. In response to this internal crisis, China shut down national travel, isolating Wuhan from the rest of China. Yet despite this, China did not shut down travel from Wuhan to the world. They also were liking the parameters of the new trade deal less and less. And to add onto that, the first phase of that deal was to begin soon. The CCP saw that the revolution was taking too long and considered a blitzkrieg on Microsoft Teams. But opposition from the CPNSA forced that idea to be cast out. Even though China had much more power than the CPNSA, they still desperately needed a trojan horse to justify the eventual invasion and takeover. However, even yhe CCP was having trouble covering up the fact that a potential pandemic was on the loose with reports of Wuhan leaking out slowly, but steadily. Between the war, Iran, and the supposed virus, some people now began to negatively refer to the new year as “2020,” with the number now carrying a negligible degree of insult and scorn. Most of the general population had not caught onto the true character of 2020, mainly its vicious attitude and tyrannical oppression. For now, people began associating these events as “strange times” or “WWIII,” and it would be a few months before people began to make the connection. Back on the prairies, Watt and the ACC continued hammering the communist side with their better trained army. They had noticed that the communists would no longer attack into the Student Body Metropolis for fear of Gabe. In fact, no one in high school dared to venture into the metropolis: ACC, CPNSA, or neutral. This led to some to dub Gabriel as, “The Lord of Gabing” since nobody had been able to replicate his formula. Yet despite this setback, the Nelson brothers still remained Watt’s second in commands. The chaos of 2020 had officially begun, and it would play a major role in the Era of Confrontation.

January was ending which signaled the end of the conflict in The Middle East. President Trump especially wanted to keep the peace with Russia and the Baltic nations so he could resume operations in Microsoft Teams. On one such peace talk with the prime minister of Ukraine, an anonymous spy reported that the call withheld many illegal activities. The spy leaked his testimony to both the press and some congressional representatives. The whole incident exploded into an entire impeachment that ultimately failed. Yet this window of uncertainty proved invaluable for the communists. The ACC no longer had the backhand support of the United States, which was already waning due to the Iranian conflict. On top of that, winter was coming to an end, which meant the Student Council elections were just around the corner. All was going well, with the communists projected to hold the line and ultimately overthrow the Student Council. The ACC called for President Johnson to mobilize the Student Council with the CPNSA planning their election strategy. Johnson denied all requests saying that the communists were not a viable threat. While the United States were distracted with the impeachment, China decided that they would fix the Covid-19 situation in Wuhan to prevent a catastrophe. This put China in a precarious situation as reports had already leaked about a deadly virus, pushing the tripartite to question their allegiance.

All attempts at covering up Sars-2 only made matters worse. By the time the impeachment trials had finished and the president was acquitted, March was nearing. And after finally eluding capture by the Chinese, Covid-19 went on the offensive. The Armada of Covid swarmed other provinces of China and other neighboring countries: Japan, North Korea, and India among some of these. Upon hearing this, President Trump appointed Dr. Anthony Faucci on a new Sars-2 response team. Faucci, along with other leading health experts clashed as to if travel should be cut off with the rest of the world. President Trump took the indicative and shut down travel with China, and then, the European Union with British restrictions following soon after. The United States pleaded with the European Union to also enact similar bans, but they refused. Spain, France, Germany, and Italy were all pummeled by an airborne assault by the Armada of Covid. Iran, still reeling from their defeat in January, were surrounded and attacked by the armada. Australia (having just come out of major wildfires) along with several other islands in the Pacific also enacted bans which helped slow the spread. Even though the United States issued travel bans and shutdowns, many governors (still bitter about the impeachment results) decided to ignore the advice of the response team and subsequently were obliterated by the onslaught of the armada. This gave the armada multiple footholds in the Americas where it spread to Canada, Mexico, Central America, and South America. All of this had happened in a matter of weeks as Covid-19 exponentially grew from a small virus in Wuhan to a global pandemic. This drastic turn of events sent shockwaves throughout NSA with neither side expecting such an assault. There was, however, a small group of chemists (led by Mrs. Nancy Nolin) who monitored the virus as far back as December. But the quick rise of Covid-19 was beyond any of their wildest predictions. The CPNSA called an emergency meeting, notably leaving the CCP excluded. Reports of public schools being convulsed into a frenzy of panic and China launching bio-weapons were topics of discussion. The CPNSA called for a temporary ceasefire - with the ACC agreeing - so they could call up the historical archives and search out the matter for themselves. However, with NSA not having a historian, the process was long and difficult. Once the CPNSA gathered enough evidence, they were able to conclude two things. First, Covid-19 had been running around since possibly November as told by the team of chemists. Second, China had been covering up this pandemic for months while also harboring a plan to use the CPNSA to their own personal gain. The tripartite was enraged at these findings and immediately scheduled a meeting with the CCP to clarify this misunderstanding.

The CCP did not reveal the specific source or backstory of Covid-19, but they did share one vital piece of information. They revealed that they knew about and covered up the presence of Covid-19 as far back as December and perhaps into November. This confirmed the CPNSA’s suspicions, communist China had betrayed them. Enraged, Watson – along with his leading officials – returned to their encampment and put together a rough draft that basically stated that the Communist Party of NSA would renounce and relinquish any ties with communist China and would now function as an isolationist communist regime. But this response proved less than satisfactory for some on the other side. President Trump had already criticized China, saying they purposely did not warn the world of the virus. Others even began to theorize that the Chinese government sent the virus as an attack, though this was not stated formally. As a result, many within the CPNSA had either lost moral, or defected. Almost overnight, it was no longer socially acceptable to be associated with anything communist. Even the leadership of the CPNSA began to question their own actions with many feeling they were on the wrong side of history. Meanwhile, the ACC’s numbers spiked as Watt was hailed a hero for resisting communism even before the Armada of Covid struck. It now seemed impossible for the communists to win the upcoming Student Council elections in the spring. Watson – along with his remaining top officials - began holding peace talks. Watt scaled down her outright attacks against Watson, Guynn, and Obermeyer as The High School Prairies became more tame. The end was near.

On the global stage, China was outraged with their gateway into Teams being slammed in their face. They further discovered that The CPNSA had demolished their alliance as peace talks were being held. China quickly sought an alliance with Russia to reclaim Teams. But nobody was rushing at the chance to make an alliance with China. The trade deal with the United States had been delayed significantly, and in its place came more bans and restrictions. The CCP saw that their only fortress in Microsoft Teams was now infested with anti-communist loyalists. So as quickly as it escalated, China withdrew from Teams and moved their infrastructure to a new internet platform where the ACC had no presence, Tik Tok. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo observed communism being expelled from Teams and relayed the developments. After great consideration, The United States officially declared Microsoft Teams to be a “Cyber Exclusion Zone” in which no foreign power could reside any of its forces. The members of NATO agreed, (including the EU) as well as China and Russia. More and more countries began to sign the deal as nations began to withdraw their presence from Teams. With the transfer complete, the United States began to focus more on China’s cyber involvement with Tik Tok. On the other hand, every world cyber power had agreed to the terms set in place by the United States, mostly due to the Armada of Covid at hand. And so, Microsoft Teams was declared a CEZ (Cyber Exclusion Zone), marking the end of foreign influence in Teams. All that remained was the internal threat.

The peace talks continued as foreign involvement ceased to play a consequential role. Watt suspected that this withdrawal was only due to Covid-19, so she hurriedly worked out a solution for peace before they could return. The ACC had no idea how long the Armada of Covid would plague the Earth. The initial fear and shutdowns prevented tangible meetings, but allowed for virtual negotiations, leaving progress to skyrocket on Teams. After the initial peace talks, the communists officially agreed to end the siege of the Student Council Capital Building. The Student Council had been liberated, they were now able to resume their duties as the juvenile government accepted the terms with great pleasure. After additional peace talks, the ACC, CPNSA, and Student Council agreed to end the war. This was massive. The High School Prairies no longer held spite and malice, but now became a beacon of hope for all adolescents. The communists were allowed to return into normal life on the condition that they had to swear allegiance to North Star Academy and her allies. And one by one, Titus Watson, Ethan Guynn, and Micah Obermeyer took the oath and renounced their communist beliefs. Peace had been restored to the High School Prairies with both sides now speaking fondly of each other. With a change in heart, the leadership of the CPNSA formally surrendered, disbanding the Communist Party of North Star Academy, and returned to normal life. Afterwards, the ACC and former members of the CPNSA met to agree on formally ceasing The Communist Revolution of 2019, ending the first ever war on Microsoft Teams. Yet this was only the beginning of the Era of Confrontation…

Anti-Communist Rebels Edit

The Anti-Communist Rebels, who want the end of the Communist Revolution of NSA, are wanting to uphold the student council and keep elections coming to the people. They were headed by their own president Keenan Watt and co-leaders Audrey Howe, Kai Nelson, and Gabe Nelson. They won the Communist Revolution.