SpreadTheGolden 4-16-18

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Published April 16, 2018



Lol no, but really though. If you're here to stay, prepare for awesomeness and a lot of unprofessionalism. xD #SpreadTheGolden's main purpose is to help educate you, the Student Body, about NSA's past: The Golden Ages. Hopefully this educational broadcast will help "Spread the Golden" back into NSA's contemporary culture and help us stay the amazing and iNSAne school that we are. Basically, it's the world's best and most fun history class.

So, grab your popcorn and a chair, and let's get to this! Just... make sure you don't sit in that chair. *points to the broken desk chair in the corner*


The spectacular, legendary, one and only Marissa Mathews, everyone! She's utterly awesome and was probably the main reason that NSA stayed Golden for so long. She helped keep the NAAT alive and lived her Cyberlife in defense of the BOP and everything cookeh related. She led countless missions to retrieve ancient artifacts, including Sticks of Poweh and NSA Diamonds!

Now then, the nickname. It turns out, Marissa is a pretty common name these days. We had about three of them who were active on FC at the time, and honestly that just doesn't work very well for the rest of us because it gets incredibly confusing. Marisa Perez had already chosen Risa, and the other Marissa wanted to stay with her og name, so someone came up with the fabulous nickname "MM" for our beloved lady, and MM she stayed (though unfortunately she just got married so it doesn't exactly work anymore, but we can't really fault her for that).

Now then, as I said before, MM was a marvelous KOTOOMP who kept everything good and righteous alive on FC. She encouraged newbies to get involved and taught them about the BOP and how to use asterisks properly. She was also an incredible story-teller, and a lot of our legends came from her brilliant mind over the years (go check out her Navigator article, The Third Culture in the archives). She discovered zombehs, and as one of the first KOTOOMPS she helped discover Cece's Notebook, the Sword of Nobility, and she and Tim Jones discovered the first dragon egg!

Speaking of dragons, MM had one! His name is Kezhan and he still helps around at the NAAT castle sometimes. The dragons of the retired KOTOOMPS tend to spend a lot of time napping though, so we try not to bother them so they don't get grouchy. You don't ever wake a sleeping dragon. It's very bad news.

One other notable position on FC that MM held was Student Council Librarian. As Librarian, MM was a master of Permissions as well as all things literature. If you wanted some classical book recommendations, MM was the person to ask! She probably read most of the books in the library (which is in and of itself a feat considering we have well over 200). Now, there are two things about the Library that many people don't know. The first is that the Library has owls that act as servants to the Librarian since they have such a big job. The head owl's name is Lewis and he is quite spectacular. When I was librarian he was particularly helpful when I needed a muffin from the kitchen while I was cramming either for school or putting books back on the shelves. Anyway, Lewis and MM were best buds and he would do practically anything to make her happy. Twas quite cute ^_^ I remember I learned how to bake cookehs for the first time with Lewis helping get the ingredients. *stares off into the middle distance*

*comes back to the present* Ah, sorry xD Well, another thing about the library that I've talked about before are the Library trails. Now, I'm not sure how she did it, but MM had them all memorized and knew just how to help people out when they were struggling with a trail.

I'm sure I could go on for ages about MM's spectacularity, but if I did that then we would be here for a very long time and I'd probably start making up more words like "spectacularity" and I think y'all want that even less than I do xD I hope you enjoyed reading about one of my favorite Ancient NSAers!

And now, a special message from our SPC, Charles Keer!

Articles and news are the theme of this clue.

A location that closed and made us all blue

Has now been recently opened, refreshed and anew.

In FirstClass its location is not

But search online and you'll hit the spot.

This place has many a writer and story

Which offer advice and recount great glory.

A color of gold is what you need.

So go! Don't wait! Travel with speed!

This article was written by Lady Morgan Raines, KOTOOMP and SC Pres 2017-18.

Thanks for reading, you guys. xD See you next month! =D