Bunny Chipmunk War

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This is one of the first recorded NSA wars. It was during 2018-2019 school year and involved two major factions, Bunny and Chipmunk.

(\__/) This is Bunny

(=','=) Bunny lives for world domination.

(")_(") To support Bunny, paste him into your signature.

(\__/) This is chipmunk.

(O_O) Chipmunk lives for overthrow of bunny

(“)_(“) To support chipmunk, paste him into your signature.

For most of NSA, there has been some way or another to have a signature (FC), or status message (Teams). This often leads to inside jokes, naming out friends, showing comradery to group chats, or just generally iNSAne things. This war was centered around signatures, leading to its alternate name "The Signature War." These two group chats fought the old FC way, with role playing. No victor was decided, and the war died due to inactivity. The war lived on somewhat through the FFAE, who went to Chipmunk in 2020, asking for his help against WASP, partially so that he could get an edge on Bunny (Ruthie Hopkins was the last known participant in that war to be in NSA). This was the last mention of either of them until much later.