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Lol, once thought to mean "laugh out loud", soon began to take a more sinister turn, thanks to short-time student Sam Hauser.

Instead of meaning "laugh out loud" or "lots of love", it turned out to mean I'm Drowning.

Lol looks like someone drowning, and if you see it's variation (Lol) you'll find how that Lol is either someone swimming, or, drowning and waving for you to help them. This was discovered in the NSA Freshmen Chat on Skype. Ever since then, whenever someone said lol or Lol, it was safe to assume that they were drowning. A lifeguard (Alexis Tuyo) had to be assigned to be sure no one died in that dangerous chat.

So now, if anyone says Lol and someone yells, "YOU'RE DROWNING!!!" Don't question it. Simply fish them out.

Oh, and if you happen to see someone who says LOL, assume that they're a drowning waving person with a broken arm.

NSA is not a safe place... people come up with the strangest, most random things, and then turn them into legend. U_U

Like U_U Where on earth did THAT come from? u_u

It was discovered by Solomon Hewitt that when someone drowns and they are saved, it revives them if you give them a hard punch in the gut. If they have drowned for to long that they should have died it is extremely useful. The expert at this so called art is Elena Coyle, she is the current gut puncher. Try not to drown because her punches knock you over. It has been discovered that she is the only one who can revive people with punches. Maybe someday she'll teach someone else but for now that's how it is. "And they hurt really bad" - first hand testimony from Samuel Hewitt