Mages Guild

Revision as of 16:13, 29 March 2024 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (removed double space)

The sister thread of NaAT, And the last FC rp thread to die on teams.  Mages Guild was a interesting place, but first, explanations.

The Mages Guild

Mages was apart of NaAT.  There were always cross overs because in NaAT and Mages you played yourself.  And if a person was in both you could transfer powers and storylines.  Mages was more magic based, really the only ones to use magic in NaAT, because of NaATs strict rules about magic.  Now that being said, Mages also was a independent thread from NaAT.  NaAT and Mages guild at the time of this writing was the only combination.  Also at the time of this writing NaAT and Mages were both classified and "Dead" threads.  (Side note: NaAT was classified as a dead thread somewhere around the middle of 2020, Mages held on and became dead around the end of  2020)  Mages had about 10 thousand replies as a guesstimate, ranking it number 4 on the rp message chart. But because of its not much known history, it has, and probably never will, be on the ranked message chart.

Interview of Mages Member Alexis Tuyo:

[11:08 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

turns on recording machine

[11:08 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

hello im with Alexis Tuyo, today we will be talking about Mages Guild

[11:09 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

so Alexis....tell me...when did you start mages guild

[11:09 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

Right when we shifted onto teams ^_^

[11:10 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

It was easier for me to find that way

[11:13 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student) what are some of the auras

[11:13 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

and around what time did mages start

[11:16 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

We have null, mind, terra, aqua, air, pyro, life, artificery just to name a few ^_^

[11:16 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

I don't really know what time the Mages guild did start, but I do know it's been going for more than four years ^_^

[11:17 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

four years......

[11:17 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

now did you know that FFAE doubled NaAT message count in two years?

[11:18 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

Yep.... A bit of a disappointment due to how long NaAT has been going xD

[11:18 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student) many messages did Mages guild have?

[11:19 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

I'm afraid I don't know. A lot of messages were lost in the FirstClass to Teams shift

[11:20 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

what would you estimate them to be

[11:24 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

Oh my xD

[11:24 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

All I know is that Mages Guild was close to NaAT. I'm estimating the amount on teams so I'm sure there's more

[11:25 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

im sure as well

[11:25 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

and now along what you just said......for the close was NaAT and Mages

[11:26 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

were they Sister threads? or was Mages apart of NaAT

[11:26 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

I'm not sure about the connection, but I do know that they're both connected

[11:27 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student) had bad guys of how did you play one, also how did you play your character

[11:27 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

note to audience Mages and NaAT only aloud you to play one good character.....which was yourself, other characters were pasted around

[11:27 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

So what happened to me is that I thought I was leaving NSA. So we put my character into a coma. I truly didn't feel like going through a process of bringing her back, so I moved onto playing villains to mess with the other players

[11:28 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student) about the characters?

[11:28 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)


[11:28 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

how would you per se play your main character

[11:30 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

Oh! Right, so after you pick your character's powers, you travel to the main thread and plug yourself in ^_^

[11:31 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student) during your time as a player...what adventures did you go on.....a loose description for the history element

[11:35 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

We defeated a wizard and that was when my character went into a coma (: We also defeated someone else I don't know the name of but he was rather hard to defeat

[11:36 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

ahhh..i see

[11:36 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

well....thank you for answering these questions and clearing things up

[11:36 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

pleasure talking to you

[11:37 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

Of course! ^_^

[11:37 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

shakes hand

[11:37 AM] Alexis Tuyo (Student)

snatches the recorder and runs

[11:37 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

see you all on the iNSAne side folks

[11:38 AM] Gabriel (Gabe) Nelson (Student)

starts running after her GIVE IT BACKKKKKKKKKkkkkkkkkk.....


The Mages Guild was resurrected by Anna Haagenson and Gabe Nelson mid January in the 2023-2024 school year. The roleplay functions the same way as the original (you can only play one character as yourself) but there are many new auras and an entire ranking system.[1] There is 'The Mages Guild' chat where initiations are held, while the main RP happens in a thread located in the Legends and Lore channel. It has grown greatly in popularity, and there are currently 15 official mages and one MSer.


Anna Haagenson

Asher Pratt

Camren Watt

Cora Metzger

Gabe Nelson

Grace Andslay

Hallie Griffin

Jared Lemmon

Joel Griffin

Lydia Yun

MJ Schonfeldt

Nathan Rexroth

Nellie Garrett

Owen Behrens

Porter Lewis

Titus Griffin

  1. please add details if you know 'em