Diamonds of NSA

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The Diamonds of NSA are powerful relics from the bygone golden age of NSA. They alone have the power to stop Zer0.

Diamonds of NSA

Nobody knows who mined the diamonds, nor how they were enchanted, or indeed even if they ever were enchanted. The Diamonds of NSA are the only relics that can keep Zer0 in check, but only if they are all together. Separated, the diamonds' power is much reduced, and has no effect on Zer0. In popular legend, The Diamonds of NSA are often named as the most powerful relics, but many theorize that the sticks of poweh, if all found, may comprise a far greater power. The Diamonds currently, have been lost, and are separated and weak. One diamond was found in the Sadie Hawkins Dance of 2015, but was promptly lost again.[1]

One of the Diamonds was found in the Ginger Kingdom by Charles Keer and Samantha Aquino. It is currently being held by the Guild.


Long ago, in this great land known to us as FirstClass, there once were diamonds tucked away in each folder keeping the Golden Age alive. It was a glorious time: the cybertronic sun shone in the desktopian sky, and wars between interconnecting worlds waged on day after day. Of course this was not a peaceful time. Quite the contrary, it was a time of great and magnificent turmoil, and all those present reveled in the glory of their battles. Swords were named nobly, and dragons were ridden with pride.

But it did not last...

Zer0, our greatest enemy, attacked, and with his dark energy he cast out the Diamonds. They were lost forever. Zer0 had won. Our bravest warriors fought hard, but to no avail. His minions took every last diamond and scattered them into cyberspace. Never to be seen again.

Marissa Mathews (MM) and Luke Brungardt united with Paul Pepper to find the diamonds and recruit their fellow students to hunt them down and return them to their proper folders. For the legend states that if returned, the diamonds of NSA will restore the Golden Age to FirstClass, and true iNSAity will return. MM built a diamond tracking machine, now hidden in the depths of a secret folder, to assist them in their quest.

I believe that, had they just been given the time, they would have had success in their mission. But MM and Luke were tragically sucked into hyperspace before they could fulfill the prophecy.

Three diamonds have been recovered. Many more still lie hidden away, collecting cyber dust. The hour grows late and the as we sit and wait, the Golden Age fades... people forget, and soon all who remember will graduate and there will be nothing left. FirstClass will crumble from disuse, and one day it will disappear all together.

While we sit by, Zer0 grows in power and builds his strength. Soon he will be strong enough to instigate another takeover. And with the current state of affairs on FC, we don't stand a chance. He will attack, and we will fall.

Unless we stand up and fight! Many have taken a stand, and are slowly but surely reviving the folders of old. We can win! But you must understand that time is running out. Will you stand with me and unite with my fellow NSAers to take back what is rightfully ours? "Do You Hear the People Sing?" starts playing in the background Join me in the fight to be free from Zer0's clutches!

Help us, >insert your name<, you're our only hope.


Three more Diamonds of NSA have been recovered.

diamond of NSA

Here begins the Bartender's tale the tavern of Holden pass. What will the drink be, dwarf ale, Elf wine, 1305 fine dine.....Ah what's that I want to know about the NSA diamonds. Well well my are a strange traveler, I would guess that you know about the Sadie Hawkins diamond, and the other three that were recovered. Well, let me spin you a tale....Hark... I hear the low moan from the east wind......


The date in NSA time was 80, a sad year. The FirstClass realm had collapsed. And NSA had fled to Teams. NaAT was declining, and other things were getting stronger. The Silver age of role play was starting, and the silver age of NaAT was long gone. In 2027 Samantha Aquino died of a case of seniortism. And Cody Johnson was sent into retirement because of old age, they were the last knights/KotOoMP’s of FC NaAT. After FirstClass and the switch to Teams, things changed. NaAT and the Mages Guild were waning in power. Someone new had to take the place of them.... Teams was attacked early on by the Communists, but they were held off by the Anti Communists. After the war, the Anti Communists seized the stores of the enemy.[2] In it they found something that surprised them, two of the NSA diamonds, and the Math stick.[3] The Anti Communists took them to their chat and kept them there. But something was wrong. The Gems were not as bright, and the Math stick only had a fraction of its power. Even so the leader Keenan Watt, put the gems in cases in her treasure hold. Keenan brooded long with her treasure, and only a select few knew of the vault. Some say that Gabe Nelson was allowed access once only and ran experiments on them all. But then left to never return. It was also said that the CNST was also in constant contact about the diamonds, and Agent Lord and Agent Flopi were also allowed to look through.[4][5]


In the Fall of 80, Disaster! The diamonds turned to dust before the very eyes of the guards who kept them. The Math stick was found in a pile of broken wood. Security measures showed no sign of tampering, and nothing else was touched. At first people had thought that the Guards were either thieves or servants of Zer0. But soon after it proved that it was not them. The Diamonds were gone. It was kept secret for a long time......


Now the year was 82, a good year. In this year, NaAT slid into nothingness, and the Mages Guild lost even more people. But revival was in the air. In this year, the Light Brigade, fought against the NSA Meanies, or, because of a later name change, the NSA Mafia. The Mafia won and once again Keenan was the leader. This war was called the Great High School War of 2019 (Real time). Keenan and her troops moved swiftly and was able to secure the stores of the LB. This time they found only some dust, they analyzed it and found that it was the remnants of the last found NSA diamond. The news was released to public knowledge and NSA mourned; the NSA diamonds appeared to be no more. Three now dust, and the rest locked away in a place that no NSAer could ever go.


Now in 83 something new was brewing, rumbles of change had swept the land. NaAT was died, and Mages was on the tipping point. More FirstClass legends died such as Spencer Stout. And others like Brooke Foster were feeling their age. But a youngin was getting his name tossed around. His name was Gabe Nelson. He came to NSA in 2027 and had helped Keenan in both her wars. He had also developed a machine that spammed reactions, and because of this, reaction spamming became "Gabing". He embraced the change and started turning NSA upside down. But he was also a scholar. He read everything about NaAT and Mages Guild that he could, and even joined them in 2030. But it was not to last, NaAT died soon after, and Mages was becoming less and less active by the month. The dwarves and the elves were becoming less and less. He had determination to bring back something he had learned so much about. So he went off talking with Brooke Foster, who was now president, and asked if something could be done about it. Brooke said that maybe a new organization should be formed. And so it was....but it came very soon, and proved very deadly. NSA would be entering its own Space Age.


Brooke's talking duck, Sir Edward McQuackers was DUCKNAPPED.[6] Immediately people flocked to the scene and offered help. Detectives like Vincentius (Kelvin) Nugraha and Fianna de Pater came and started searching. Annalisa (Anna) Grings and Anna Barry also offered help. Brooke thought it was porkeypines. But when Gabe came, he found that they had found him. However, he looked closely.... And found what sparked off the greatest organization.... He asked what food McQackers liked, it was cookehs, a cookie that made you explode from awesomeness if you ate it. But only McQuackers can eat a cookeh without exploding. He also asked what defining features McQuakers had, he was told a black spot on the tip of a feather on his tail. Gabe looked McQuackers over and found NO spot. And after finding cookeh crumbs in the OPPOSITE direction that they had followed, he knew something was wrong.


2035 FFAE time, a new rebirth appeared. McQackers had been found in the hands of his Evil shape shifting brother Sir Quackers Quackules. In that time Quacks Quackules had built Cookeh bots (robots that run on cookehs) and wanted to kill his brother to stop him from eating his power source. In this struggle the fledgling FFAE was born. It composed of Annalisa Grings who was found out to be a FBI agent in disguise under the name Double N or NN, Gabe Nelson, who had been possessed by a magicly spirit called the Historian, Ash (played by Anna (Faith) Rogers) Kazu, the leader of the interdimensional empire of the Frostains (Played by Shawn David Logan), and Diablo, one of the dragonborn (Played by David Champlin). The FFAE faced Zer0 (just for the history nerds, the Zer0 glitch of FC has not been found in Microsoft Teams) and pushed him out of the realm of Teams. During this they tried to find the other diamonds, but they failed. I think that when the two diamonds disappeared from Keenan's hold, they all disappeared. But something much greater was going on.......something much greater, and for a new...age......[7]


So see......things have changed over the NSA years.... heh......the Silver age is upon us[8], swabs counter....And besides.....I was there, and I know the ways to change NSA. It is a great time we are in, so full of activity and light. So, take my word for it, and try something new, maybe you’ll find something extraordinary, like me…wink

  1. Sadie Hawkins Diamond
  2. The Communist Revolution
  3. Sticks of Poweh
  4. The Diary of Agent Flopi, Book 1
  5. The Diary of Agent Flopi, Book 2
  6. Sir Quackers Quackules
  7. The FFAE would go on to beat NaAT in Messages [70k<120k and counting] and would hold the record for most messages sent per minute, hour, day, and week, they passed NaAT in messages in under 7 months.
  8. The Silver age lasted until around 2021 real time.