Hudson Fan Club

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The Founding of the HFC

The Hudson Fan Club is a large group chat whose purpose is to foster community. The leader of the Hudson Fan Club, Hudson Brott, formed the chat during the 2023 war for student council as a way for communicating with his spies. Hudson helped initiate the war and was going to take power as a shadow leader if the communists won.

HFC Memes

In the Hudson Fan Club there is a running joke where members constantly praise Hudson as If he is a god. Hudson distributed Happy and Sad faces of Mark Zuckerberg as a currency for a time, but the Pookie Nation, referred to as Perv Nation by Hudson, rebelled against that so the process was stopped. A common practice in the HFC is to stretch the face or pfp of members for memes, prominent examples include, Caleb the Hutt, Ogrewatt, Avalon Trailer, Jacob Gravy, Josiah Callahambulance, Drailem Sailed, and Grann-E Smith.

Prominent Members

The HFC currently has 69 members, but only a few are active. The active members include, Hudson Brott, Cash Willis, Emma Reasons, Elijah Smith, Caleb Ingram, Porter and Xanthe Lewis, Avalon Taylor, Salem Fischer, Gabriel Nelson, Jacob Draiby, Houston Liu, Keira McCarthy, and Nellie Garret. The Members of the HFC are also active in many other chats.

Territories of the HFC

The Hudson Fan Club has many other smaller chats that are all part of the HFC. The Debate Club, where the controversial topics that were once discussed in the large chat have been moved to avoid hurt feelings. The Hudson Band Club, the chat where the anthem is being formed. The HFC recreational center, because chats over 20 people cannot have calls this chat is kept at 20 people at all times. The HFC is very active in the NSA Quotes chat, The Pookie Nation (Perv Nation), Chicken Nugget Clud (The misspelling is on purpose), and the Minecraft chat.