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Zer0logy is the study of the entity known as Zer0.


The study of Zer0, or Zer0logy, can be used to refer to any of the five main theories harbored by most students. Generally, however, it is used to refer to the Grift or Lag-Joinance theories.

As of 5/13/15, the top scientists in the field of Zer0logy are Jeremiah Moniz and Joshua Story. Jeremiah Moniz (or Dr Moniz, as he is known in his field) is a strenuous advocate of safety in Zer0logy experiments, particularly with the CLE. He first suggested measuring lag in Lts (Lagits), which greatly improved the reliability of experiments.

Joshua Story, another noted scientist, developed the CLE (Controlled Lag Emitter). Possibly the biggest single contribution to the science of Zer0logy, the CLE made history when Joshua Story was the first student to ever summon Zer0 forcefully into a chat. The first proven summoning, with Jeremiah Moniz as witness, rocked the field of Zer0logy.

The term Zer0logy was first coined by Joshua Story, to separate the field from the myths and legends of Zer0. At that time, there was confusion between the fields, and some believed that the myths and the field of study were the same thing. Now, there is a clear distinction, and most students believe in either one or the other, although there are still some dual beliefs.

The Five Main theories of Zer0logy

The Grift Theorem

Joshua Grift, FC expert and Technician, believes he has solved the mystery of Zer0. According to Grift, Zer0 is a discontinuation in a chat's coding. Essentially, according to Grift, Zer0 was a chat glitch caused by a number of separate factors blending together. The theory's main flaw was that it predicted the disappearance of Zer0 with the newest FC update, which included many bug fixes. The catch? Regardless of the theory's ideals, 0 left the chat in Mega Mass anyway, one month after the update.

The Lag-Joinance Theory

Joshua Story had other ideas. He believed that Zer0 appeared in an unusually long chat, where a lot of lag was present, if a special factor injected a sudden burst of lag, such as two people joining at the same time. This theory was tested in the Mega Mass chat by Joshua Story and Joshua Grift, along with volunteers, in October of 2014. The first three attempts produced nothing, but on the fourth attempt, three people all entered the chat within milliseconds of each other, and 0 left the chat. Although it was by no means conclusive, this is the first theory to have ever been tested successfully.

The Teacher Theory

Another popular theory held by many NSAers even before the previously mentioned theories existed is the Teacher theory. This theory speculates that 0 is actually a teacher or supervisor. According to this theory, teachers have the ability to enter any chat without being announced, and this message is displayed when they leave. This is the theory the vast majority of students believe, although there is no evidence to back this up. In March of 2015, Noel Horneck decisively declared that he “Had no knowledge of the existence of Zero, neither as a glitch or as an administrative tool.”

The Klassen Theorem

Ashley Klassen, a brilliant thinker, has suggested yet another theory. Saying that she has never been in a laggy chat with Zer0, she speculated that Zer0 was not related to the chat, but rather was related to vast amounts of lag outside the chat. When testing a SMG with Joshua Story, (a folder with lag-producing rules), she experienced Zer0 leaving the chat. Another time, when watching videos on YouTube, Zer0 left the chat, but only she could see it. She now speculates that if an individual has a large amount of lag on his or her computer, it may be the cause of Zer0. The theory was tested in the Propirus segment of the Mega Mass chat on 5 February of 2015, but before it could be completed massive amounts of lag and unexpected glitching forced Klassen, Story, and Reichert to abandon the experiment.

The Supervisor Theory

Jonathan Story speculates or actually says that Zer0 is not a glitch but is the supervisor of not NSA FC, but all of FC and their groups. There is no evidence that supports this theory.


All this put aside Zer0logy is now a dead science since Zer0 can no longer be tested. And for good reason. The Microsoft Teams Era has shone minimal lag and so far no huge glitches like Zer0.