NSA Dances

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Who ever said there couldn't be dances at an online school?

NSA Dances

Now, I'm sure all of you have seen advertisements for the various celebrations and dances that the Student Council hosts every year. There's actually one coming up really soon (For Valentine's Day SURPRISE! xD). For that reason, I thought it might be a good idea to give a little bit of history and advice for attending these dances.

The first thing that I would like to say is the dances these days are sadly attended by both singles and couples! When I first joined NSA, all of FC would shut down for the week that the dance was open because everyone was so focused on posting and keeping the adventures going in the dances while they were still open. Now, sadly, I find that there are a mere 200 posts in the WHOLE dance. Hah! I would have that unread after a night's sleep. We must find a way to repair this deficit in our community U_U

The second thing is, I've found that many kids who I've talked to believe that in order to ask someone to the dance, you have to be in a "relationship." Let me tell you, that as a girl who has asked Zach Crawford, Paul Pepper, Luke Brungardt, Israel Emmanuel, and Shalom Cross to a dance, that is terribly wrong! Those boys are all my friends and absolutely nothing more. Also, I know a lot of kids irl that ask their friends to their school dances, and no one bats an eye. Why should we be any different? So go ask your friend, go ask your sibling, I don't care xD Just go ask someone because we need some fun dance-offs at these dances; otherwise those food-fights will never get started properly!

Did I mention food fights? Yep. They're a staple at NSA dances. If there isn't a food fight, it wasn't a dance xD

Anyway! One of the main questions that I get from people when I tell them about our school dances is "Lol it's online how do people dance?" Well, that's easy, with these little guys: ** =D They're super useful little creatures. Here, let me show you =D

shall we?

We shall.  ^_^ *grabs your arm* lets go  xD

alrighty.  *follows*  so I haven't been to a dance...

hehe congratulations xD xP

so I have no clue what to do *cough*

well, you put your one hand on my shoulder *puts arm on you shoulder* and *puts arm around your waist*

now we go around in awkward circles or something...

*laughs* awkward circles, it is.

*takes your hand with other hand*  *goes around in awkward slow circles* xD

>_> this is why people don't dance during these dances... its an acquired taste, I guess.

Ft. Amilia Sedin Chan and Simeon Spiess

And that's about it! Of course, we don't only dance at these events. It wouldn't be iNSAne if we didn't get off track lol. We've had countless adventures. I heard about one dance where two particularly naughty guests melted the ice rink! And one time I was strolling through the garden of the Sadie Hawkins Dance with Luke Brungardt and it turned into a monster! Really, anything is possible here on NSA, so go have fun with it. Just remember to follow the BOP and don't get to crazy!

**Taken from February 2017's #SpreadtheGolden Navigator article**

Written by Morgan Raines