
Revision as of 21:51, 7 March 2024 by Obehrens (talk | contribs) (added citation, and category)

This is a bit more of a real earth topic.

Magic is often referred to as fantasy magic, and Magik is something often used to describe types of NSA magic.

Magick is a real-life descriptor. "Magick with the “k” refers to occult practices of seeking knowledge and power"[1] It often refers to old pagan religions that practiced witchcraft and magic.

To clarify, we do not do Magick, we use Magic and Magik.[2] Magick is real (but sometimes debated about in religious circles), and we should not use or practice it. We call things like Null our "dark arts" but they are nothing like the badness of trying to practice real life magick. There are much worse magics then null in literal sense. SO STAY AWAY FROM IT.

To restate our point: All the "magic" that students at NSA "use" is make-believe. If you don't feel comfortable pretending to use magic, or anything even similar to real-world magic, that's fine. But, no one at NSA (that I know of) actually practices any sort of real magic.

  1. From the 2023 edition of Bible300 EVP.
  2. An Overview of Magic