Talk:Light Stalker

Revision as of 15:36, 26 February 2024 by GabingLord (talk | contribs) (→‎On Slempdeeper and Light Stalker: Reply)
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Latest comment: 26 February 2024 by GabingLord in topic On Slempdeeper and Light Stalker

On Slempdeeper and Light Stalker Edit

As far as I know, neither of these creatures have appeared anywhere on teams or FC in NSA history, right? They've just been created for the wiki? Now, it's really hard to make any rules (and I don't think I'm going to) about what exactly people can write about because - pretty much all of the lore is "made up." The only factual things on here are the stuco records and some actual teams history interspersed with the ledgends created. No one really defines what's true or not, just - whatever written goes. Especially in this category. However, I think we sHOULD try to keep the creation of new characters limited to something that naturally comes out of people talking on teams. For example, the zombie king ironing board thing? Remember that thread? Well, no one actually wrOTE about it - but it started as a simple thread, and people started role-playing and then created this character as a result of it. I think the general rule should be that wiki pages should be describing a character that was already created, not making up a whole new one. And this is a loose rule, but - yeah. We should "discover" new characters/creatures/relics (aka, they form naturally and gain their characteristics through students' interactions on teams) and then we should deSCRIBE them here on the wiki. Unless you're writing a short story, or fiction piece, (which you totally can and should do!) I think we should keep this part of the wiki to describing existing things to the best of our ability. Now, I'm not going to delete these two pages that I mentioned - but I thought I'd just bring that point up. Feel free to provide a counter-argument if you have one, I'm open to more input on this topic! - Owen Behrens. (Talk page) 19:12, 13 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@GabingLord I'm pinging you in case you didn't see this - Owen Behrens. (Talk page) 15:46, 16 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Okay, yeah i was thinking that too. I won't go overboard, only these two. Besides, I was writing a short story about Slempdeepers GabingLord (talk) 21:05, 17 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Ok, sounds good. Thank you! - Owen Behrens. (Talk page) 20:24, 18 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Context: Never mind, John is writing it, I've got too much to do lol. GabingLord (talk) 15:36, 26 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]
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