Talk:Red Penning

Revision as of 16:08, 16 February 2024 by JmanPowerGames (talk | contribs) (→‎Questions: Reply)

Latest comment: 16 February 2024 by JmanPowerGames in topic Questions


@JmanPowerGames Sorry if this is a silly question, but - is this a real thing? Have people actually given you that nickname, and is "red penning" something that's actually widely known? Also, I know being vague is fun sometimes, but this is just a bit too vague. This description tells almost nothing about what "red penning" actually is or how it affects people. - Owen Behrens. (Talk page) 15:45, 16 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Yes, this is a real thing. That is a real nickname, and people know what it is. JmanPowerGames (talk) 16:08, 16 February 2024 (UTC)Reply[reply]
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