Wait is this actually a real person 0_O (no offense if you are)

I would have felt confident twenty minutes ago that John Parsons was just Sir Edminston's alias ._. and I can't think of anything that remedies this... I am just so confused XD

So... now my mind is imploded. Someone please help me out. BookWyrm (talk) 18:37, 29 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Alrighty- sorry John XD
Your Agent Flopi series had me baffled about this, I had assumed that it was written by Agent Flopi, or Joshua Edminston, and therefore it did not equate that your story works XD. But I asked Gabe about it and I think it's all stored properly in my mind now XD.
Buuuut welcome to the wiki, glad to have you here!! BookWyrm (talk) 23:43, 1 December 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]