Revision as of 14:02, 30 November 2023 by GabingLord (talk | contribs) (→‎start date: Reply)
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Latest comment: 30 November 2023 by GabingLord in topic start date

start date Edit

so... the section on the start date is very confusing. the thread it started was made in 5/8/2020, but FFAE was started a month later, on 5/7/2020? @GabingLord since this seems to be one of your pet RP's, could you offer some clarity? - Owen Behrens. (Talk page) 22:30, 29 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Yeah. Also the FFAE is kinda a mess rn ill clean that up.
So the thread role play was started by Brooke on 5/8/2020. And that was a nice adventure thread. However, FFAE officially took over that thread in 6/7/2020. The adventure story line morphed into the FFAE story line, and so that date is offically when FFAE stuff started happening, and the rp thread wasn't about that Adventure anymore. It was a switch from trying to save Edward McQuackers to fighting Quackers Quackules. GabingLord (talk) 14:02, 30 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
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