The NAAT is a thread in the High School Team. It also holds the distinction of the longest thread in the history of NSA. The NAAT, or Noble and Ancient Thread, is a long lasting thread, upwards of 70,000 posts, started in 2005. The thread followed the Era of the Spartans, and was supposedly started by Leolani Tucker. NAAT is a thread of a medieval theme, full of quests, knights, dragons, and other randomness characteristic of NSA.
(See the Book of Knowledge or NAAT for Pages for more information on NAAT)
taken from September 2017's #SpreadtheGolden Navigator Article
Alrighty so I know you guys have been yeeeearning for me to write about this one since like, before I started this article xD So, without further adieu, ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you to The Noble and Ancient Thread makes a swooping gesture
Lets get started! So when I was an MSer, the only thing that I knew about the NAAT was that it was an uber long thread in the High School Interest Areas, where people have swords and dragons and fight weird creatures called porkypines. And from an outside perspective, that's exactly what it is. Heck, we're basically the LARPers of NSA, (and to those of you who are confused, those are the people who are way beyond nerddom).
But, being an insider, it's so much more than that. The NAAT is a culture, it's a community, and it has a rich and vibrant history. It's quite literally the longest thread on NSA, the current post being at number 81,623. The NAAT was founded sometime around 2007 and it kicked off from there. The NAAT has a world inside it's walls. It has castles, beasts, mountains, oceans, fields, dragons, porkypines, chameliollamasauruses, evil witches, evil scientists, mythical heirlooms and much, much more. There is always an adventure to be had and bad guys to slay (Just remember to stay within the BOP). I've been a member of the Order of Many Posts since 2013, and I regret nothing (except maybe all those hours that I should have been doing school and the consequential stress that caused >_> But we won't get into that).
Anyway, all that to say is that the NAAT is not just an adventure thread. In many ways (now this is going to sound weird) it's like a home to me and many other participants.
But! Don't just hear it all from me. Below is the history of the founding of the NAAT as told by one of the founders, Lady Leolani (Jamie) Tucker.
History of the Noble and Ancient Thread
As told by Lady Leolani
After the war, there was a season of restless peace. It seemed that the Spartans had all been sucked out of Cyberspace into the far places where there are no font colors, and the Rebels were content to leave things be. After all, what entity did they have, were they truly Rebels, if they had no one to rebel against? And so the IA fell into a restless silence, and it seemed that its days of activity were a thing of the past.
But, this was not to be! For the leader of the defeated Spartans, Johnmark Tucker, had a younger sister who had once heard grand stories of the IA and the lengthy thread. Newly active on NSA herself, it saddened her to see it lying silent and dead. Still, nothing would have become of it if not for a valiant ally, Lady Elyse. Through a shared interest in Sign Language, an enjoyment of fine literature, and the delight of imagination… a friendship formed. In those days, the NAAT had no official title, and the subject line was changed every few days as the topic of conversation changed. And it was this thread that facilitated the friendship of Lady Leolani and Lady Elyse. What wonderful times they had, and how the thread grew! In time, they formed the order of Knights… Knights of the Order of Many Posts, aka Kotoomps. And with that they established the name, Noble and Ancient Thread. For it was indeed ancient, dating back to the days of 2006.
There were several casual allies in those days… Miss Kohl, I believe, who stated that "Kotoomp" sounded like jumping in a mud puddle. William Schmidt, who would often swoop in at the appearance of Newbie Rebels that he might wage war against them with us. Evan Hoffmann, and a few others. Our first official Knighting ceremonies were for Rachel Elliott and Lace Zeuhlsdorff, followed by the equally worthy Cecelia Schmidt and Abbie Wright. There were several generations of Rebels, but we Kotoomps remained. We, our pages and our squires. After some time Lady Marissa was knighted, and Sir Timothy, and Lady Ashley, and others… and the thread grew even more and more ancient as I, Lady Leolani, have been sucked out of cyberspace even as were the Spartans before me, and as you who now read this will likewise someday be. I am proud to have worthy successors, and you too will one day tell legends to those who come after you. Farewell!
The NAAT, or Noble and Ancient Thread, is a long lasting thread, upwards of 70,000 posts, started in 2005. The thread followed the Era of the Spartans, and was supposedly started by Leolani Tucker. NAAT is a thread of a medieval theme, full of quests, knights, dragons, and other randomness characteristic of NSA. It is currently in Interest Areas.