User talk:Obehrens
Hello! I'm Owen, the wiki admin. Feel free to put your general comments or suggestions for the wiki here!
I also keep an NSA journal here for significant events that I was part of, although my entries are very sporadic.
journal of Sir Kenobi
The war that never started
I decided I should start a journal. After all, I aM the historian. or - I will be, as soon as Sarah Thompson initiates me. A lot has been happening, but I have not been able to document much. Loochs has demanded almost all of my attention. However... it all started (or - on the outside, it looks like it all started) with a post that Jared Lemmon made in the Courtyard on 8/14, at 8:59 am. It read:
It's almost that time of year- the time of year the Stucco emerges from their desolate caves and brings the party to this place 👀
it sparked a RP war, between many, many different sides. It was all very confusing, and as I said, Loochs demanded almost all of my attention, so I really don't know what all of the sides are. All I know, as I have said many times, is that I am only concerned with protecting StuCo. (aka, Cora, who is the current president, Silas, the 10th grade rep, and whoever else is on StuCo.) I am the personal bodyguard of two people - (not sure how that works, actually lol) those people being Hallie and Cora. Hallie is the leader of the Royalists - those who have sworn to protect StuCo. Cora is the president, so obviously I'm going to protect her. Our main opposition is the Communists - not sure what their official title is. They are led mainly by Earl, and their goal is to overthrow StuCo. They don't seem to really have a rEASON for it - they just say that they're tired of the tyrany.
(here was my response to that claim in the NSA google chat)
and what tyranny is this? is StuCo holding you down, stopping you from saying what you want?
I think not.From what I can see, you're fighting just for the fun of it - not for any real's not like you have even come to stuco with any complaints, ever - one day, you were bored, and so declare war.
StuCo is only trying to maintain its rightful position of power, eLECTED power, not power forced over the masses by a few who claim to be someone special.We stand for the people. We stand against anarchy, or worse, dictatorship. If the "communists" win, what will stop Earl from assuming the role of "leader," and thus essentially becoming a dictator?
We already have a leader - one that the people of NSA elected. They have chosen their leader. Will they not now stand behind that choice, and defend StuCo, defend themselves, and defend NSA itself from this anarchy?make your choice. I hope you choose wisely
There's also apparently a group, called the Spampire? I'm not sure what their goal is exactly - but last I knew, they say they're aligned with the Royalists.
There are tons of spies everywhere, but Hallie is working on implementing a plan to have a "Council" of only the most trusted leaders - Silas, Cora, Me, Anna, Avi, Gabe, and Jared L.
or wait - is that the inner circle group?
idek y'all - I'm just protecting Hallie and Cora and Silas.
But also - I'm soon going to be initiated into the Mages Guild. I will receive the role of Historian, as I run the wiki and devote a lot of spare time to Lore. Thus, I will automatically get the Aquamarine aura. I'm also planning on getting the Blue-Orange aura, as it seems really useful lol
Another random note - (I should organize this better later) There was the original Royalist group, but that's dead now. Then, we started the Royalist Faction. However, there were a lot of spies in that, so another chat was formed, called the "actual royalist faction." with the hOPE to not include any of the spies. (I suspect there are some spies in it, though)
so.... for now, I'm just protecting StuCo. Hallie said she would write about what has happened so far, so if she does then that can get added to the wiki at some point.
There has been some talk about the Diamonds of NSA - someone said that they're in the hands of the Communists. I wouldn't put it past Earl to be waaaayyyy OP and somehow resurrect them. I mean, he has like - at least 8 auras lol
in fact, I don't think either side will ever win the war. Earl will never let himself die, so it will probably end with either - Earl retreating, (which I also don't think will happen) or both sides coming to a standoff.
Welp, Earl is getting mad, and ignoring BoP, so.... we are planning on surrendering. It's for the best. We don't want to cause any trouble, and Earl is taking things waaayyy to far.
OK, so... Here's what happened yesterday. So, at some point Josiah Hewitt (I think?) made a joke about hacking Earl's computer, and sending a bomb to his house. Or something like that. Earl got eXTREMELY upset, and started shouting in all caps that the police would come and arrest him for threatening Earl like that. Anyway, basically Earl was getting super mad at everyone, ignoring BoP, and.... just not treating it as a game. So, us in the Actual Royalist Faction held an unoffical meeting about what to do. We concluded that we should forefit (aka surrender) the war. Some members had concerns that this would make Earl proud, and he would boast about how he single-handedly defeated us, but we all agreed that it was more important that we didn't cause any real trouble. Earl had messaged Avi asking what we were going to do - if we would keep figting and "feel his wrath" or if we would surrender. So, she was the one who had to tell him our decision. She did so, the original thread was closed, the chats were renamed, and life went on as normal...
The Search for the Lost Articles
I guess I'm writing another journal entry? This doesn't deserve a wiki page, but I feel like I should write about it in case anyone else wants to go on a similar adventure.
It all started when I kept noticing notes at the bottom of some wiki pages that I was copying over. They read **Taken from September 2017's #SpreadtheGolden Navigator article** (with dates ranging from 2016 to 2017.) Obviously, if I could get copies of these articles, they would be amazing sources of information on lore. So, I went to, the current Northstar Navigator site. However, currently this website only has articles from 2021 onward. A notice has been added on the front page, saying " DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, SOME PREVIOUS ARTICLES WRITTEN FOR THE NORTHSTAR NAVIGATOR HAVE BEEN TAKEN DOWN. THE STAFF IS WORKING HARD TO GET THESE ARTICLES BACK UP! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE, AND IN THE MEANTIME, PLEASE ENJOY THE ARTICLES WE HAVE AVAILABLE." (this wasn't there when I initially started my search.) However, I was not deterred that easily. The first thing I did (I think? This whole thing started a long time ago) was to search the whole website for the articles. Who knew, maybe they just weren't linked to in an obvious place. In that search, I didn't find the articles, but I did find an article on the history of the Navigator. This was super interesting, but what was most helpful was a link to the old website: I'm not even sure why it was put there, as that site isn't up anymore. But I'm glad it was, because this meant I could turn to my old friend, the internet archive. If you don't know what the internet archive is, it's basically a website that has archived copies of anything and everything digital. That is, anything and everything that people decide is worth archiving. It's super useful for looking at older versions of websites - you can look up a website and see all the times it's been saved. However, there's a catch - someone has to save it. Websites aren't automatically saved. So, I crossed my fingers, and entered the URL. One result. It was from Jan. 18, 2023. "Surely, this must be too late?" I thought. But when I clicked on it, the website slowly loaded, and I became almost ecstatic. I soon calmed down, though, because another catch is that each page must be saved individually. So, if you save the front page of a website, only that page is saved, not all of the sub-pages, if that makes sense? Like, for this wiki - if I saved, that would archive the front page, but nothing else. So, I started opening every visible link on that saved page, hoping that some others were archived as well. (Recently, I discovered a feature that allows you to search for all saved pages from a certain domain, but at that point I didn't know about it.) I was really only interested in the #SpreadTheGolden articles, so I clicked around until I found a #SpreadTheGolden tag. Thankfully, someone had saved that too. (Seriously, whoever saved all those pages - thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Really. I will forever be indebted to you for this wonderful act. Ok maybe that's pushing it a bit, but still thanks XD) Back to the story. On, there were five articles listed. Which is a little strange - I'm pretty sure more than that were published. But anyway. Click, click, click, click, click. Wait for the pages to load. (the internet archive isn't exactly the fastest) Three pages loaded. Two error messages. Apparently, whoever saved a bunch of pages only saved three of the #SpreadTheGolden pages. But that's three more than I could reasonably expect to find, so I was thrilled. I quickly bookmarked these pages, and read them. They were awesome! I'm pretty sure we already have most of one in parts on the wiki, but the other two were new to me. So - yeah! I found the articles! But was I done? No, sir. I knew for certain that I hadn't found aLL of the articles yet, so the hunt was still on. It was around this point that I figured out how to search for all pages under a domain, and this is how I found 68 articles from that old website. I have them all saved to my computer, waiting to be possibly put on the wiki. Sadly, what would have been the most helpful page of all was broken. It was a page with archives of previous articles from FirstClass - but the "download" area was just a gray block, with no clickable links. I even delved into the website code, in case the download links were simply hidden, but came up empty-handed.
Currently, I'm working on messaging certain people who might have copies of articles. Hopefully, either I can get copies directly, or they'll be put up on the new website.
And... that's pretty much it. If you do have copies of old articles, or know someone who might, or even just have a hunch of where to find them, please contact me! At this point, I would almost be willing to swim to Hawaii to get the old articles ;-;
Obehrens (talk) 16:54, 30 August 2023 (UTC)
Moving Pages
Hey Owen, I've noticed that some pages are now in a way "misnamed", as we have had more time after the page was created. Like "The 2021-2022 War (the ded war) (the muffin war)", is now out of date, and should be "The Scattered War". Another example is "2023 War for StuCo" which should now be "The Second Communist Revolution". I can't think of anymore right now, but I could find more. Do we wanna do a cleaning of this kind of thing to make sure things stay streamlined? GabingLord (talk) 03:51, 5 February 2025 (UTC)
- Done. If you find more, let me know - Owen Behrens (Talk page) 14:13, 6 February 2025 (UTC)
- (and speaking of the many names, on this page you have a link to "2023 communist revolt," so you might want to edit that to link to the war xD) BookWyrm (talk) 12:04, 9 February 2025 (UTC)
- Ah yeah, thanks - I did a find/replace on all pages, but didn't include the talk pages in that 🤦♂️ - Owen Behrens (Talk page) 20:31, 10 February 2025 (UTC)
- (and speaking of the many names, on this page you have a link to "2023 communist revolt," so you might want to edit that to link to the war xD) BookWyrm (talk) 12:04, 9 February 2025 (UTC)