The Relic Raiders
History of the Raiders I:
The Relic Raiders are a band of mythical pillagers that invade the wiki for the priceless knowledge it contains. While their very existence is yet to be confirmed, the footprints - so to speak - of their actions are quite visible. This phenomenon started back on June 15, 2020. After spending some time in the wiki, Anna Grings decided to review on the history of Zer0 which was located at the end of the wiki. Upon arriving there, she was horrified to find that the entire section on Zer0 had vanished, leaving only the title as a grim reminder of the entity that once plagued NSA.
Despite the eerie occurrence, President Brooke Foster (at the time she was still Student Council Welcome Committee Leader) accessed the backup drive and quickly restored the section to the wiki. She, along with several others, theorized that a student had accidentally deleted the section and that a message needed to be announced. While this was certainly not the first time a student had accidentally dislodged something from the wiki in FirstClass (the platform NSA used before Microsoft Teams), this did take place only six days after the entire 'P' section had also been mysteriously deleted. So while technically the Relic Raiders were first observed on June 9, 2020, it was not until June 15 that people began to view this as a legitimate threat. And it was on June 26, 2020 that StuCo Welcome Committee Leader Brooke Foster officially restated that deleting articles from the wiki was illegal and warned everyone to cease such activities. The situation appeared to be dealt with leading Joshua Edmiston to declare the scandal as being 'Wikigate.' This name was widely accepted, but unknown to them, the situation would soon spiral out of control.

Upon making the statement, sections of the wiki ceased to be deleted leading many to believe that this really was just a misguided student who did not know better. After the transition of power, there was another cited witness of someone having deleted the wiki, exactly a month after the June 15 incident. This time it was the 'N' section that had been wiped off the face of the Earth. Again, it was Anna Grings who reported the incident - this time to the new StuCo Welcome Committee Leader, Holly Rogers - saying that another section had vanished. This was reported on July 15, 2020 and was quickly dealt with by restoring the data via the backup drive. It should be noted that it was Anna Grings who reported these findings on the June 9, June 15, and July 15 incidents. This disturbance was minor as it was both quickly resolved as well as the fact that it had taken place in the midst of summer break leaving many uninformed that it ever even happened in the first place. However, there were some who were beginning to see a trend, a trend they most certainly wished to stop.
History of the Raiders II:
After the July 15 incident, there were no more disturbances concerning to wiki for some time. In fact, the remainder of the summer of 2020 was marked with quiet peace concerning both NSA and Teams. At the dawn of the 2020-2021 school year, many were heightened when it came to security. Considering the previous year contained the downfall of the Noble and Ancient Thread, the Communist Revolution of 2019, and the Reign of Terror, the situation at NSA could be best described as secure. In these early days, weapons such as Mass Gabing, Chat Raiding, and even the dreaded @tom Bomb were invented. These major achievements in cyber weaponry forced the Relic Raiders underground during these discoveries. However, with such power came the question of who would oversee it. The war between the Light Brigade and the Mafia determined who would be the ruling party within NSA. Despite this war not originating from the topic of safe-guarding the wiki, it was certainly a responsibility that would be obtained by the victor. But as students such as Keenan Watt, Davina Elms, Gabe Nelson, and Sarah Grace clashed in the Great High School War of 2020, attention to the wiki was waning to a point that would eventually prove to be costly.
While the war was raging, there were still those who sought power in the wiki. Many years ago, the Historian and Librarian would safeguard the wiki as well as oversee and manage it. The role of Historian was changed in the summer of 2017 with Ashley Klassen being the last official Historian on the Student Council in the 2016-2017 school year. The Historian would henceforth be called the Editor-in-Chief. The position of Librarian would last until the summer of 2018 with Emily Toepler being the last official Librarian on the Student Council. The Editor-in-Chief would carry the duties of both the Historian and Librarian until the summer of 2019 with Savannah Laux being the last Editor-in-Chief. After the transition of power, North Star Academy made the Great Switch from FirstClass to Teams. The Student Council saw no need to have someone defending the wiki as threats such as Zer0 were theorized to have died with FirstClass. However, there were many who still respected these roles which meant that there was a power vacuum that would need to be filled.
The War ended on September 30, 2020 with the Mafia emerging victorious. Keenan Watt - the leader of the mafia - had sustained a heavy blow during her absence from academic activities and was forced to temporarily withdraw from Teams. She left her second in command - Gabe Nelson - in charge of the Mafia. He first renamed the Mafia to the North Star Academy Liberty Agency and sought to expand the NSALA's sphere of influence. His sights were set on the wiki as controlling it would result in being engraved in NSA history forever. Unknown to him was that another student was already advancing on the wiki. During the war, Joshua Edmiston had engaged in a short, but fierce battle with Micah Phillips over control of the attic. Joshua won the battle and used the now renovated attic to operate out of. He evicted all of his opponents occupying the attic and exiled them to the shed so they would no longer pose a viable threat to his operations. He then announced in mid-October that he would be writing a series that would document the recent adventures and wars of NSA since the Great Switch. This sounded very reminiscent of the duties only the Historian was allowed to carry out. The race for the wiki had begun.
Fortunately for Gabe, on November 2, 2020, Joshua was summoned to deal with corruption charges made in the Prayer Hall. This allowed for Gabe to make the first move. He quickly studied all he needed to know about NSA history while Joshua formed the AAA (Anti-Apologizing Agency). He then moved in and wrote several quick articles about fads and traditions made since the Great Switch. None of these articles exceeded that of a large section, but the name of Gabe Nelson rapidly spread throughout the wiki. Once Gabe had the articles in place, he was ready to announce that he was the new Historian. But before he could, Joshua announced that the AAA was victorious and that the war was over. This made it the fastest war in NSA history with only 10 days of fighting (it wasn’t even a War, WHO EDITED THIS INEWOFIOMFWEF….I NEVER STARTED A RACE FOR thE WIKIIIIIII…). Joshua could then resume the almost completed super-section and also have a claim on the wiki. Even worse for Gabe was that this was the same day that the Ice Cream Truck Rebellion was formed by Anna Barry and Cole Stanley. The NSALA's sphere of influence had officially collided with those in Middle and Elementary School. Shortly after this, Joe Rauhala created the No Empire dedicated to halting the expanse of the NSALA. Other empires such as the Wolf Empire, Fox Empire, and revived Bunny Empire also declared war against the NSALA. This forced Gabe to withdraw from the wiki entirely to deal with the Rise of Empires.
With Gabe back at war, Joshua released The Revolt with no opposition on November 11, 2020. This article was the longest in NSA history, even topping out sections such as NSA Diamonds and Zer0. Joshua was declared Historian but quickly realized that the power of the Historian was not as powerful as it once was. He realized that anybody was permitted to edit the wiki and that acquiring the role of Historian was only a psychological increase in power; he did not find a fragment of Student Council power that he had expected. So Joshua also temporarily withdrew from the wiki and joined Spencer's effort to unite all the Empires into one Federation. (which failed)
(coming soon)