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A cookeh is a cookie-like treat imbued with pure awesomeness.


A cookeh (not to be confused with a cookie) is a small, round baked treat with raw power of awesomeness infused into it. The cookeh is said to be the best tasting thing in the world, and is made with secret ingredients that are safe for people of all cultures.

Caution! If you eat a cookeh in one bite, then you will promptly explode from all the awesomeness built up inside you. The only known antidote is a cookie infused with everything boring, crumbled and scattered over your awesome remains.

The Cookeh, as told by Joel Raines

No, no, you misunderstand...

This is a cookie:

image of a colocate chip cookie
a regular, plain, old cookie

A cookeh, however, is a magical food object that cannot be accurately portrayed in picture form, but only by text, sparkles, and involuntary noises of satisfaction, such as "Aaaah."

However, if it were in picture form, it would be something like this:

representation of a cookeh
representation of a cookeh

This is the closest mankind can get to visually representing the cookeh. The cookehs were actually used to feed the Israelites.

Why are the cookehs so special, you ask? Don't. Don't ask. Just eat. Eat, and you will know.

Beware, however, of the cookeh. If you eat one whole, you will explode from the awesomeness. One can only be brought back from death-by-cookeh when their remains are mixed with unawesome sauce. Only one has survived.

Now you know. Use this information wisely, and never use a cookeh in aggression towards someone. They are dangerous implements, but they must not be weapons.

Good luck, and good cookehs.

Fortehn Cookeh

There seems to be another form of cookeh. The legendary Fortehn Cookeh! It's creation is a complete mystery, but it holds even more power than the cookehs. As such I shall not even attempt to portay it's amazingness. However when broken it produces a wave of energy capable of smashing an entire room to bits. Despite the cookehs small size, the Fortehn inside is the size of a table, and it will lead you to great treasure. It can be difficult to read however, as it is written in the Mathter runes. According to legend this treasure is sometimes even a diamond. -Paul Pepper

There seems to be one exception to the cookeh's power, according to an experiment conducted by Elsa Powers and Samuel Hewitt. If you take an awesome person (such as Samuel Hewitt) and eat the entire thing in one bite with an exception of a few crumbs, you won't explode. This is a new idea in the world of NSA science still being explored. So kids, "DON'T TRY AT HOME!" -Elsa Powers u_u

Written By: Samuel Hewitt

(this experiment was proven wrong by the Science Guild)

Few things stand in the way of Cookehs, let alone ingest them. One such thing that could ingest them was Brooke Fosters pet duck and mascot of the Welcome Committee, Mr Edward McQuackers.[1]