A Pinch of Thought 4-27-18

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Published April 27, 2018

A Pinch of Thought

Welcome to ‘A Pinch of Thought.’ In this article, I wish to inform NSA of cool facts and information from different subjects and areas of learning. I hope you enjoy this article and learn something from it. By the way, I'm Hudson Roseboom, the Spiritual Life Leader here at NSA.

Boggling the Mind

Because prime numbers are indivisible (except by 1 and themselves), and because all other numbers can be written as multiples of them, they are often regarded as the "atoms" of the math world. Despite their importance, the distribution of prime numbers among the integers is still a mystery. There is no pattern dictating which numbers will be prime or how far apart successive primes will be. The seeming randomness of the primes makes the pattern found in "Ulam spirals" very strange indeed. In 1963, the mathematician Stanislaw Ulam noticed an odd pattern while doodling in his notebook during a presentation. When integers are written in a spiral, prime numbers always seem to fall along diagonal lines. This in itself wasn't so surprising, because all prime numbers except for the number 2 are odd, and diagonal lines in integer spirals are alternately odd and even. Much more startling was the tendency of prime numbers to lie on some diagonals more than others — and this happens regardless of whether you start with 1 in the middle, or any other number. Even when you zoom out to a much larger scale, as in the plot of hundreds of numbers below, you can see clear diagonal lines of primes (black dots), with some lines stronger than others. There are mathematical conjectures as to why this prime pattern emerges, but nothing has been proven.

(Taken from: https://www.livescience.com/26584-5-mind-boggling-math-facts.html)

Reader Hater

So, you don’t like to read. In fact, the only thing that is causing you to READ this article about READING is the fact that is was titled Reader Hater. Catchy title, ey? =D

Are you someone who only reads when you are forced to…by either a parent or a teacher? Do you only read the description for movies, or the ratings of video games? Have you not stepped into a library for months? Do you roll your eyes when somebody enthusiastically says, “I LOVE READING!!”? If so…keep reading.   I am going to put it rather simple…nothing I can say can cause you to LOVE reading. I can’t make you jump at the chance to join a book club. However, I can help you stop punching the nearest thing to you when you have to do a book report or getting mad at your mom when she tells you to put down your basketball or your phone, and take up a book.

Here’s how. When you have to pick and read a book (it doesn’t matter the circumstance!) do these things:

1) Pick The Book: Ask yourself: What interests me? Are you someone who knows all the scores for every match in every single sport? Are you someone who dies when your crush says Hi? Do you spend hours planning or thinking about how you are going to take over the world? After thinking through what interests you, pick a book on those thoughts. For example, if you love sports, read a biography about Babe Ruth or a fictional story about a baseball team in small town America. If all you talk about is boys, then pick up a romance like Papa’s Wife or Ella Enchanted. Ask your local librarian (they don’t bite u_u) what books there are for teenagers on adventure, or mystery, or romance!

2) Start The Book: So now you have the book…and it is sitting very comfortably at the bottom of your desk drawer in your room. Dig it out and don’t open it yet. Instead, read the back, look at the cover, examine it. If you read the back and decide that it would make a good movie plot, then that’s a good sign. If not, go back to the library and choose another. The book must interest you if you are to read it. Now, once examining it, open it and read the first sentence. Breathe. Now go and get a drink- water, coke, tea, whatever works. Retrieve the book and sit on the most comfortable chair in the house. Read the first page. Pause again, breath, and take a drink. You may be completely bored- that’s ok. Read another page, dramatically emphasizing anything awesome in your mind. Pause again, take a sip. If it is still a bit boring, that’s still ok. Try reading the next page out loud to yourself. Try using different voices for each character. Get through the first chapter this way. Pausing after each page and using different techniques.

3) Persevering Through The Book: You have read the first chapter. The book has probably stirred a bit of interest in you by now. You must now set a schedule/goal to make sure you read the book-the WHOLE thing. Decide on reading the book for a certain amount of time- if it is a chapter a day, set a time each day where you will sit down and not stand up again until you are done with that chapter. If you must read for 30 minutes each day, sit in an isolated room in a comfortable chair, set a timer, and give your full attention to that book till the timer goes off. If by the 5th chapter the book is as boring as it seemed in the beginning…you may want to choose another book.

4) Ending The Book: When you finish the book (it’s totally possible by the way!) throw yourself a party. Spend 30 minutes…an hour…a day, in what YOU like to do. Play basketball, make up a secret language, play video-games, call a friend and talk aimlessly…the list is endless. You must reward yourself for your perseverance! You may not think that these techniques will work…that you could NEVER finish a whole book. However, you read this whole article which shows you have perseverance…and that’s all it takes. Good luck…and may the odds be ever in your favor! =)

Conspiracy Theories?

1.) Moon Landing? - Many people still believe that the U.S. did not actually land on the moon and was actually an attempt to fool the Russians.

2.) Chemtrails - Chemtrail conspiracy theorists believe that chemicals are deliberately sprayed into the air by unmarked planes.

3.) HAARP - More than 200 miles east of Anchorage, Alaska, is the Pentagon’s High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. It is believed to be a weapon that can control weather patterns.

4.) Black or Unmarked Helicopters - An alleged symbol and warning sign of a military takeover of part or all of the United States. Rumours would circulate that, for instance, the United Nations patrolled the US with black helicopters, or that federal agents used black helicopters to enforce wildlife laws.

5.) Shakespeare? - Theorists believe there is a lack of evidence proving that the actor sometimes known as Shakespeare of Stratford was accountable for the body of works that bear his name. Very little biographical information exists about Shakespeare.

Wacky Holidays

1 April Fool's Day

1 Easter Sunday - date varies

1 International Fun at Work Day

1 International Tatting Day

2 Children's Book Day

2 Dyngus Day always the Monday after Easter

2 National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

2 Reconciliation Day

3 Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day

3 Tweed Day

3 World Party Day

4 Hug a Newsman Day

4 Walk Around Things Day

4 School Librarian Day

4 Tell a Lie Day

4 World Rat Day

5 Go for Broke Day

5 National Dandelion Day

6 California Poppy Day

6 National Tartan Day

6 .National Walk to Work Day

6 New Beer's Eve

6 Plan Your Epitaph Day

6 Sorry Charlie Day

7 Caramel Popcorn Day

7 National Beer Day

7 No Housework Day

7 World Health Day

8 All is Ours Day

8 Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

8 Zoo Lover's Day

9 Name Yourself Day

9 Winston Churchill Day

10 Golfer's Day

10 National Siblings Day

11 Eight Track Tape Day

11 Barbershop Quartet Day

11 National Submarine Day

12 Big Wind Day

12 Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

12 National Licorice Day

12 Russian Cosmonaut Day

12 Walk on Yor Wild Side Day

13 Blame Someone Else Day

13 Friday the 13th

13 International Plant Appreciation Day

13 Narional Peach Cobbler Day

13 Scrabble Day

14 Ex Spouse Day

14 International Moment of Laughter Day

14 Look up at the Sky Day

14 National Dolphin Day

14 National Pecan Day

14 Reach as High as You Can Day

15 Income Taxes Due

15 Rubber Eraser Day

15 That Sucks Day

15 Titanic Remembrance Day

15 World Art Day

16 Easter Date varies

16 Mushroom Day

16 National Eggs Benedict Day

16 National Librarian Day

16 National Stress Awareness Day

16 Patriot's  Day

16 Save the Elephant Day

17 Bat Appreciation Day

17 Blah, Blah, Blah Day

17 National Cheeseball Day   

17 Pet Owners Independence Day

18 International Juggler's Day

18 Newspaper Columnists Day

19 National Garlic Day

19 National High Five Day

20 Look Alike Day

20 Volunteer Recognition Day

21 Husband Appreciation Day

21 Kindergarten Day

22 Earth Day (U.S.)

22 Girl Scout Leader Day

22 National Jelly Bean Day

23 Lover's Day

23 National Zucchini Bread Day

23 Take a Chance Day

23 World Laboratory Day

24 Pig in a Blanket Day

25 Administrative Professionals Day

25 East Meets West Day

25 World Penguin Day  

26 Hug an Australian Day

26 National Pretzel Day

26 Richter Scale Day

26 Take Your Daughter to Work

27 Arbor Day  

27 Babe Ruth Day

27 National Prime Rib Day

27 Tell a Story Day

28 International Astronomy Day

28 Great Poetry Reading Day

28 Kiss Your Mate Day

29 Greenery Day

29 National Shrimp Scampi Day

30 Hairstyle Appreciation Day

30 National Honesty Day