The Grammar Police
Grammar correction has kind of always been a thing at NSA. Which was usually done with using * to denote the corrected grammar or spelling.
In 2021, if someone often corrects others' grammar, they would put #grammarpolice in their status. However, it was never really official. Micheala O'H and Cora M. put #grammarcop in their status's, making them the first "grammar police".[1]
However, things soon feel out of taste, and they stopped.
One day, during a conversation in the quotes chat, Gabe decided to form an actual official group of Grammar police, the NSAGP (NSAGrammarPolice). They were to enforced grammar-ical law and spell justice (see what I did there) on those who broke the rules of written English. This was the first official creation of a department and band of brothers to actually do something about the horridness of people's grammar.
Formed in 3/28/2024, by Micheala O'H (Lead Officer), Gabe N (Dispatcher, Prosecutor), Hannah Robbins (Prosecutor), Hafez Hajisafarali, Riley Whitney and Jacob Grady (Judge).
The Second wave of recruitment included Keira McCarthy (Judge), Elizabeth Sutherland, Addie Becker, and Ha-Earl Cho (Graveyard Shift Beat Cop), Cora M, and Anna Haagenson (Lead Officer)

- ↑ Actually, I'm not sure about this now - Micheala also said she was the original grammar police? I don't have time to read through 753 messages in the courtyard; could someone else clarify where this whole thing began?