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The April 9th Experiments were a series of experiments to summon Zer0.

Using a CLE (controlled Lag Emitter) designed by Joshua Story, Eight students attempted to summon Zer0 in a chat in 2015. Most of what is known about the experiments is from a poem written by one of the participants after the experiments.

by Joshua Story

Listen closely, and hark to the tale,
Of the brave eight, only two would bail,
From the great dangers which lay ahead,
Before any of them got it in their head.

Collin Temple, he was the first
Tø look at a machine and think “what is worse?”
For the experiment was his idea, his plan,
Even at the risk of his LAN.

Doctor Moniz, got Involved,
Joined Collin, and with him the mystery solved
Another brave one, who went on through
To see just what lag could possibly do!

Mikayla, the last of the three,
Wanted to join, came along to see
But once inside, the danger was real,
The opted out, before firstclass the lag would steal!

Professor Zer0, that’s number four,
He joined those going through his door,
He ran the Spam and CLE,
The lag was his, he gave it free.

Jonathan story, there was a chap
Want to join in? He came in a snap!
He scoffed at lag and the dangers it brought,
He entered that fatal room without thought.

Annalyn Holley, the timid, the small,
The most cautious one to stay with them all,
She may be timid, and even afraid,
But let no one ever say she’s not brave!

Keenan Holley, bold, arrogant too,
Saw the spam and laughed, “Who needs you?”
His attempts at lag were strong, until
The whirring machine made him still.

Esther Akinniyi, the last of the eight,
Dropped on in, to see what was so great,
She didn’t want to see it through,
She was afraid of what it could do!

Those who remained went inside,
Nobody, not one, tried to hide,
Into and through the Professor’s lab,
Knowing that this choice could mean a rehab!

The CLE, that dark machine,
Through it, the horrors that have been seen,
Dangerous, none but a hero
Goeth there, it summons Zer0!

None knew what the future would bring,
As they stepped into the professor’s mad machine,
Collin breathes, and pulls the lever,
The cyber doors close forever.

Counting down, from ten to one,
Then, when Jeremiah is done,
A button is pushed, the process started,
Then the professor departed!

Brackets whirred, rules started,
Conferences moved, messages parted!
Lag began to fill the chat,
The very one in which they sat!

All was well, and then it came,
A Warning! On the wall said the same!

The participants panicked, and strived to escape,
But locked was the door, snug as icing on cake,
Luckily for them, twas a false alarm,
The professor rejoined them, and all free of harm.

They started again, when they heard a clatter,
They looked at each other, wondered, what was the matter?

The warning flashed red, the doctor paled,
Collin stood steady, the professor almost bailed,
It came as a shock then they knew no more,
In playing with Zer0 they had made him sore!

Thus is the tale that I tell to you,
If you think of messing with Zer0, I beg you,
Remember of Collin’s experiment, please do,
And always be careful, lest Zer0 next takes you!

See Also[edit | edit source]