2023 War for StuCo (Second Communist Revolution): Difference between revisions

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Anti StuCo group originally lead by Elijah Smith (Later Ernest (Earl) Cornejo gained power, and they eventually split ways both leading armies under these names but declaring the other to be an outlaw)  
Anti StuCo group originally lead by Elijah Smith (Later Ernest (Earl) Cornejo gained power, and they eventually split ways both leading armies under these names but declaring the other to be an outlaw)  
(Note from Ernest: Behind the scenes, I (Ernest P.) and Hudson Brott had cooperated to plan our rise in power in the Anarchists, even when Elijah split ways shortly before the war ended. This had occurred later into the war. )

* The Royalists/Loyalists
* The Royalists/Loyalists
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=== Ending (As told by Royalists/Loyalists or Anti-Communists/Pro-StuCo) ===
=== Ending (As told by Royalists/Loyalists or Anti-Communists/Pro-StuCo) ===
Cora Metzger (StuCo President): "To be honest I was pretty busy and wasn't able to keep up with the war near the end. I logged onto teams after being offline for a day, and went to one of the Royalist group chats. Everyone was saying that some people had gotten very...emotionally invested, shall we say...in the war. We agreed it would be best for everyone to end the war. A peace treaty was drafted by the Royalists and sent to the Pro-Communist groups. Several members of the Anti-StuCo/Pro-Communist groups said that this peace treaty meant the Royalists were surrendering. Royalist members asked the others to let it go, but arguments continued until I (Cora M) and Jared Lemmon (StuCo Content Creator) officially shut down the war thread with these messages:
==== Cora Metzger (StuCo President): ====
"To be honest I was pretty busy and wasn't able to keep up with the war near the end. I logged onto teams after being offline for a day, and went to one of the Royalist group chats. Everyone was saying that some people had gotten very...emotionally invested, shall we say...in the war. We agreed it would be best for everyone to end the war. A peace treaty was drafted by the Royalists and sent to the Pro-Communist groups. Several members of the Anti-StuCo/Pro-Communist groups said that this peace treaty meant the Royalists were surrendering. Royalist members asked the others to let it go, but arguments continued until I (Cora M) and Jared Lemmon (StuCo Content Creator) officially shut down the war thread with these messages:

"As StuCo officers Jared and I are stepping in to say it looks like this turned into more than a fun food fight, and it is time to stop. Thank you. Please do not comment on this thread anymore."  --- Cora Metzger (August 31, 2023)
"As StuCo officers Jared and I are stepping in to say it looks like this turned into more than a fun food fight, and it is time to stop. Thank you. Please do not comment on this thread anymore."  --- Cora Metzger (August 31, 2023)
Line 69: Line 73:
There were no further comments on the thread, and the Royalist group chats died out."
There were no further comments on the thread, and the Royalist group chats died out."

=== (If either of the Anti-StuCo/Pro-Communist groups would like to write something that should be put here) ===
==== Owen Behrens: ====
Although I didn't have a lot of time to spend staying up-to-date on the current military events, I had a general idea of what was going on. There were myriad factions on both sides, however, and it was very chaotic. I was a little bit confused about wHY people were fighting against StuCo - they claimed tyrany. However, when I asked them for their specific complaints against stuco, they didn't give any reasons. In response to one person claiming that they were fighting against the tyranny of StuCo, this is what I said:<blockquote>and what tyranny is this? is StuCo holding you down, stopping you from saying what you want?
I think not. From what I can see, you're fighting just for the fun of it - not for any real cause. it's not like you have even come to stuco with any complaints, ever - one day, you were bored, and so declare war.
StuCo is only trying to maintain its rightful position of power, eLECTED power, not power forced over the masses by a few who claim to be someone special.We stand for the people. We stand against anarchy, or worse, dictatorship. If the "communists" win, what will stop Earl from assuming the role of "leader," and thus essentially becoming a dictator?
We already have a leader - one that the people of NSA elected. They have chosen their leader. Will they not now stand behind that choice, and defend StuCo, defend themselves, and defend NSA itself from this anarchy?make your choice. I hope you choose wisely</blockquote>I got no response of any real complaints against the leadership of StuCo. I personally think that either people were bored and wanted to start a war, or just wanted to be the leader of a bunch of students, and so they needed something to fight against. Neither of those things are necessarily wrong - I wasn't trying to end the war because the opposing side had unsupported views. Things did start to go a little bit too far, however. A few people were abusing BoP, and some personal insults were made against individuals on Student Council. In general, tensions were rising, and it was no longer fun, it was just stressful and chaotic. So, we decided that the best thing to do would be surrender/forfeit. Technically, we lost, although some people would deny it. However, we gave up the fight for the greater good, as we did not want things to escalate to the point where admins would have to come in. So, in the end, it could be said that we lost. No one in our group really wanted to surrender, but we all knew that it was the right thing to do. Wars are tricky, folks. If people take it too seriously, tensions rise, and hurtful words can be said. I'm not against role-playing wars at all; I think they can be a lot of fun. I do think we can learn a lesson from the 2023 revolution, though - don't take things too seriously. If people are getting personally insulted, and it's no longer fun, you know things have gone too far.
=== Ending (As told by either of the Anti-StuCo/Pro-Communist groups) ===
==== Ernest Paul D. Cornejo: ====
"Prior to what Cora had discovered, I was - like several other participants in the war - too emotionally invested into the war. Tbh, it was when I finally lost my steam in an argument that some of the Royalist group members had noticed that the tensions in the war had gone far too high. As Cora had said, when the peace treaty was being drafted, a few of us Anti-Stuco/Pro-Communist members had believed (or hoped) it to be a surrender from the opposite side. Eventually, however, one of the Loyalists - Avi [Reedy] - cleared things up with me in a one-on-one discussion and explained things - that (1) my outburst was wrong, (2) that I (and a few others) were too emotionally invested in the war, and (3) that the war had to end in order to prevent things from getting worse. Eventually, with her convincing, I did calm down and came to accept that the war had indeed gone too far... and Hudson couldn't have agreed more when he explained the treaty to me.
"I don't think that's actually a surrender. I think that people are getting too involved in this and they want to prevent arguments. I agree. This whole thing got out of hand.." -- Hudson Brott (<u>September 1, 2023</u>)
However, by then, this had left only Elijah Smith holding on to the belief that the peace treaty was a 'surrender'. This then continued on until StuCo officers Cora M. and Jared Lemmon stepped in to shut down the thread permanently. The moment the thread closed, the war ended, and all other amends were made. Thus ended the second of the Hostility Wars"
==== Elijah J. Smith: ====
"I still believe that we won, yet even today StuCo still oppresses me, all they seem to be are cops who through parties. I, the leader of the communists never agreed to a peace treaty. After Earls Rampage, and Cora shut down StuCo's side, but I made it very clear that the communists do not surrender. In my opinion that is either a stalemate, or a narrow communist win. I still also still believe the students of NSA can unite and rebel again. I also think that arguments are a natural part of life, and while they should not be encouraged, we should not be afraid. At any moment anyone should be ready to argue or fight for what they believe in. I also think that exclusivity and separation are another natural occurrence in life. People seperate into groups of people with similar views as them. Sometimes these groups are large and other times these groups are small. I think that controversy is another part of life. We are not robots, we do not all believe the same things, and some people get offended, thats another thing that happens. In my opinion life sucks, get over it."
== Disclaimer: ==
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the maintainers or moderators of this wiki.

== See also ==
== See also ==
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* [[User talk:Obehrens#The war that never started|The Journal of Sir Kenobi]]
* [[User talk:Obehrens#The war that never started|The Journal of Sir Kenobi]]

[[Category:War Chats]]

Revision as of 16:59, 13 September 2024



On August 14th, 2023, Jared L made a post in the Courtyard saying, "It's almost that time of year- the time of year the Stucco emerges from their desolate caves and brings the party to this place 👀"

Kick off:

Fifteen minutes later Nathan R responded, "...visible concern" and over the next few days a couple people jumped in saying he'd better get hyped for this next year. Jared L and Michaela both made jokes about Nathan being attacked or put on a StuCo hitlist aaaaannnndddddddddd war.

On August 16th Jacob Grady joined in saying, "i'm here", "does that help?", and finally, "i start war". And so it began, Jacob fired a couple "potatoe"s at Jared L and AnneMarie F (both StuCo members), and it was off. Minor food fighting between StuCo members, Jacob, and anyone else who chose to join in.

Cora M (StuCo President) brought up Anna Barry's Ice Cream Truck, "DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I CAN FIND ANNA'S ICE CREAM TRUCK?!?!" and Naomi E (StuCo member) "Goes into my shed, rummages around and pulls out the dusty truck" (Apparently the truck is back folks)

Cora offered a peace offering (a cookeh (wonder what that was about u_U)) Which two people took??? Hallie took it and Nathan ate half of it- and then proceeded to eat the other half, "...BOOM I HAVE BASICALLY EATEN A WHOLE COOKEH WITHOUT EATING A WHOLE COOKEH" (apparently without dying though this should be verified).

Still on August 16th, Mr. Hester comes in to put us in our place, "Why on earth are people staying in desolate caves so long? Come into the LIGHT, everybody!" (Though Ryan Boren replied with a picture of a weird guy with a mustache and beard, and the word "NO." underneath)

On August 17th Gabe N came in with, "what happened here", and "communist revolution vibes". After which Elijah Smith joined in responding "we can kill the stuco prez if thats what you mean", "We need the peoples republic of nsa".

Gabe responds "if you try and take over stuco I will form an army to take you on" and the war part of the war takes off.

Elijah in turn calls Jacob Grady, "Jacob will you join me in fighting the overlords and bringing power to the people" saying that he will take up the war, if Jacob will join him.

(Jacob seeks to understand what the sides are, wants to be neutral, but after settling some things he (and the "Spam empire") eventually joins Elijah, along with Ernest (Earl) Cornejo, beginning the war)

Army Formation:

Elijah launches his campaign with this message:


We are thinking along the same lines every student should have equal voice with the admin no person should have more say than another, however there should still be rules set by everyone of us, the only resource we have to share is our intellect so let us openly speak and already be communist" — Elijah Smith (August 17th, 2023)

People begin picking sides (including Earl's joining the Anarchists), and the war kicks off.

(Elijah also went off on a minor "WALRUS" rampage renaming some chats and posting "WALRUS" both in the war thread and others)

Cora gives us one last message, "Yeah let's just keep in mind that the point of this is to help teams be more active again, and if a single person is too powerful in an RP then everyone gets bored and stops" and RP fighting commences.

The Armies:

Please list any armies present in the war, any names they might have had, and a description of who they are:

  • The Anarchists/Revised Communist Party (RVC)

Anti StuCo group originally lead by Elijah Smith (Later Ernest (Earl) Cornejo gained power, and they eventually split ways both leading armies under these names but declaring the other to be an outlaw)

(Note from Ernest: Behind the scenes, I (Ernest P.) and Hudson Brott had cooperated to plan our rise in power in the Anarchists, even when Elijah split ways shortly before the war ended. This had occurred later into the war. )

  • The Royalists/Loyalists

The Pro-StuCo group "Lead" by Gabe N, with Hallie Griffin as "Queen". Standing up for both the StuCo as they are amazing people who work to make our time here better, and declaring themselves Anti-Communist.

Sarah Thompson joined, spied on, or spied for (not really sure) the Royalists (she was in the Royalists chat at one point but was removed as an infiltrator (though this may have been a sham to throw people off)), she joined the Anti-StuCo group, was eventually kicked out of their army as a spy for the Royalists (maybe she was- maybe they just believed she was), and she began to form her own group (though as far as I know they did not take any action before the war ended).

  • The Spampire/Spam Empire/Spam Kingdom?

A group lead by Jacob Grady, the "Spam King". They originally joined the Anti-Communists, but did not take any action whatsoever in the war itself, and later they signed a treaty with, and officially joined, the Royalists, though there was still no action seen on their part. (Lack of visible activity continued to the end of the war)

The War Itself:


As this section may be disputed we will have separate sections for the different sides, please do not edit or delete anything written for/by a side you do not support/represent. (If you don't think your side is represented here feel free to add a section)

Ending (As told by Royalists/Loyalists or Anti-Communists/Pro-StuCo)

Cora Metzger (StuCo President):

"To be honest I was pretty busy and wasn't able to keep up with the war near the end. I logged onto teams after being offline for a day, and went to one of the Royalist group chats. Everyone was saying that some people had gotten very...emotionally invested, shall we say...in the war. We agreed it would be best for everyone to end the war. A peace treaty was drafted by the Royalists and sent to the Pro-Communist groups. Several members of the Anti-StuCo/Pro-Communist groups said that this peace treaty meant the Royalists were surrendering. Royalist members asked the others to let it go, but arguments continued until I (Cora M) and Jared Lemmon (StuCo Content Creator) officially shut down the war thread with these messages:

"As StuCo officers Jared and I are stepping in to say it looks like this turned into more than a fun food fight, and it is time to stop. Thank you. Please do not comment on this thread anymore." --- Cora Metzger (August 31, 2023)

"All further comments will be disregarded and not replied to. Thank you for your cooperation." --- Jared Lemmon (August 31, 2023)

There were no further comments on the thread, and the Royalist group chats died out."

Owen Behrens:

Although I didn't have a lot of time to spend staying up-to-date on the current military events, I had a general idea of what was going on. There were myriad factions on both sides, however, and it was very chaotic. I was a little bit confused about wHY people were fighting against StuCo - they claimed tyrany. However, when I asked them for their specific complaints against stuco, they didn't give any reasons. In response to one person claiming that they were fighting against the tyranny of StuCo, this is what I said:

and what tyranny is this? is StuCo holding you down, stopping you from saying what you want?

I think not. From what I can see, you're fighting just for the fun of it - not for any real cause. it's not like you have even come to stuco with any complaints, ever - one day, you were bored, and so declare war.

StuCo is only trying to maintain its rightful position of power, eLECTED power, not power forced over the masses by a few who claim to be someone special.We stand for the people. We stand against anarchy, or worse, dictatorship. If the "communists" win, what will stop Earl from assuming the role of "leader," and thus essentially becoming a dictator?

We already have a leader - one that the people of NSA elected. They have chosen their leader. Will they not now stand behind that choice, and defend StuCo, defend themselves, and defend NSA itself from this anarchy?make your choice. I hope you choose wisely

I got no response of any real complaints against the leadership of StuCo. I personally think that either people were bored and wanted to start a war, or just wanted to be the leader of a bunch of students, and so they needed something to fight against. Neither of those things are necessarily wrong - I wasn't trying to end the war because the opposing side had unsupported views. Things did start to go a little bit too far, however. A few people were abusing BoP, and some personal insults were made against individuals on Student Council. In general, tensions were rising, and it was no longer fun, it was just stressful and chaotic. So, we decided that the best thing to do would be surrender/forfeit. Technically, we lost, although some people would deny it. However, we gave up the fight for the greater good, as we did not want things to escalate to the point where admins would have to come in. So, in the end, it could be said that we lost. No one in our group really wanted to surrender, but we all knew that it was the right thing to do. Wars are tricky, folks. If people take it too seriously, tensions rise, and hurtful words can be said. I'm not against role-playing wars at all; I think they can be a lot of fun. I do think we can learn a lesson from the 2023 revolution, though - don't take things too seriously. If people are getting personally insulted, and it's no longer fun, you know things have gone too far.

Ending (As told by either of the Anti-StuCo/Pro-Communist groups)

Ernest Paul D. Cornejo:

"Prior to what Cora had discovered, I was - like several other participants in the war - too emotionally invested into the war. Tbh, it was when I finally lost my steam in an argument that some of the Royalist group members had noticed that the tensions in the war had gone far too high. As Cora had said, when the peace treaty was being drafted, a few of us Anti-Stuco/Pro-Communist members had believed (or hoped) it to be a surrender from the opposite side. Eventually, however, one of the Loyalists - Avi [Reedy] - cleared things up with me in a one-on-one discussion and explained things - that (1) my outburst was wrong, (2) that I (and a few others) were too emotionally invested in the war, and (3) that the war had to end in order to prevent things from getting worse. Eventually, with her convincing, I did calm down and came to accept that the war had indeed gone too far... and Hudson couldn't have agreed more when he explained the treaty to me.

"I don't think that's actually a surrender. I think that people are getting too involved in this and they want to prevent arguments. I agree. This whole thing got out of hand.." -- Hudson Brott (September 1, 2023)

However, by then, this had left only Elijah Smith holding on to the belief that the peace treaty was a 'surrender'. This then continued on until StuCo officers Cora M. and Jared Lemmon stepped in to shut down the thread permanently. The moment the thread closed, the war ended, and all other amends were made. Thus ended the second of the Hostility Wars"

Elijah J. Smith:

"I still believe that we won, yet even today StuCo still oppresses me, all they seem to be are cops who through parties. I, the leader of the communists never agreed to a peace treaty. After Earls Rampage, and Cora shut down StuCo's side, but I made it very clear that the communists do not surrender. In my opinion that is either a stalemate, or a narrow communist win. I still also still believe the students of NSA can unite and rebel again. I also think that arguments are a natural part of life, and while they should not be encouraged, we should not be afraid. At any moment anyone should be ready to argue or fight for what they believe in. I also think that exclusivity and separation are another natural occurrence in life. People seperate into groups of people with similar views as them. Sometimes these groups are large and other times these groups are small. I think that controversy is another part of life. We are not robots, we do not all believe the same things, and some people get offended, thats another thing that happens. In my opinion life sucks, get over it."


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the maintainers or moderators of this wiki.

See also